itunes command line interface for mac

here is a simple itunes command line interface.
itunes cli v. 0.1 by duus: itunes

  1. How to download
    Save as... this link to the source code: itunes

  2. How to install
    1. put the itunes bash script on your path (for example, ~/bin/)
    2. navigate to that directory
    3. type "chmod +x itunes" to make the script executable
    4. open the itunes script with your favorite text editor (pico itunes, for example)
    5. Navigate to the line called #SETTINGS
    6. Adjust settings as necessary. Save the file.
    7. type "itunes help" for usage information

  3. How to use

    type itunes <args> at the prompt
    where args are:
    no arguments, or <pp> or <playpause> will toggle itunes' play status
    <(p)lay> will play itunes
    <pause> will pause itunes
    <next> or <new> will forward one track
    <(s)top> will stop itunes
    <sync> will sync an attached ipod
    <(e)ject> will eject an attached ipod
    <quit> will quit itunes
    <(pod)casts> will uptdate all podcasts
    <playlist NAME> will play the playlist named NAME (or (l)ist will do the same)
    <(i)nstall> displays install information
    <(v)ersion> displays version information
    <(h)elp> displays this help file
    an unrecognized argument will be passed to itunes as a command
    (please see the Script Editor iTunes Dictionary for more commands)
download itunes cli

I hope you like it. let me know on the 43 folders forum or the macosxhints forum