Pictured from left: Gyorgy Barabas, Rosalyn Rael, Annette Ostling, Susanna Messinger, Rafael D`Andrea. 


Ostling Lab Publications



(*Postdoc advised by Ostling, **Graduate Student advised by Ostling, ***Undergraduate Student advised by Ostling)




1.        D’Andrea, R**, J Guittar, J O’Dwyer, H Figueroa**, SJ Wright, R Condit, and A Ostling (2020) Counting niches: Abundancebytrait patterns reveal niche partitioning in a Neotropical forest. Ecology 101:e03019. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3019

2.        D’Andrea, R**, M Riolo, and A Ostling (2019) Generalizing clusters of similar species as a signature of coexistence under competition. PLoS Computational Biology 15:e1006699. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006688

3.        Rael, R *, R DAndrea**, G Barabás **, and A Ostling (2018) Emergent niches lead to greater differences between niche and neutral species abundance distributions. Ecology 99:1633-1643. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2238

4.        D’Andrea, R, J O’Dwyer, and A Ostling (2018) Translucent windows: how uncertainty in competitive interactions impacts detection of community pattern. Ecology Letters 21:826-835. DOI: 10.1111/ele.12946

5.        Kunin, W, J Harte, F He, C Hui, RT Jobe, A Ostling, C Polce, A Sizling, AB Smith, K Smith, SM Smart, D Storch, E Tjørve, K-I Ugland, W Ulrich, V Varma (2017) Upscaling biodiversity: estimating the species-area relationship from small samples. Ecological Monographs 88: 170-187. DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1284

6.        DAndrea, R** and A Ostling (2017) Biodiversity maintenance may be lower under partial niche differentiation than under neutrality. Ecology 98:3211-3218. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2020.

7.        DAndrea, R** and A Ostling (2016) Challenges in linking trait patterns to niche processes. Oikos 125:1369. DOI: 10.1111/oik.02979.

8.        Fukami T, Mordecai EA, and A Ostling (2016) A framework for priority effects. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 655-657. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12434

9.        D’Andrea, R** and A Ostling (2016) Can clustering in genotype space reveal "niches"? American Naturalist 187:130-135. DOI:10.1086/684116.

10.     Barabás, G**, L Pásztor, G Meszéna and A Ostling (2014) Community-wide sensitivity analysis: theory and application.  Ecology Letters (Ideas & Perspectives piece) 17:1479-1494 DOI:10.1111/ele.12350 pdf

11.     Marquet PA, AP Allen, JH Brown, J Dunne, BJ Enquist, J Gillooly, PA Gowaty, JL Green, D Storch, J Harte, SP Hubbell, J O`Dwyer, J Okie, M Ritchie, A Ostling, and GB West (2014) On theory in ecology.  Bioscience 64:701-710. DOI:10.1093/biosci/biu098 pdf

12.     Barabás, G**, G Meszéna, and A Ostling (2014) Fixed point sensitivity analysis of interacting structured populations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 92:97-106. DOI:10.1016/j.tpb.2013.12.001 pdf

13.     Messinger, S** and A Ostling  (2013) Predator evolution in space: Novel effects of predator and prey ecology on the predator`s attack rate. Theoretical Population Biology 89:55-63. DOI: 10.1016/j.tpb.2013.08.003  pdf  supplemental supplemental animation 1  supplemental animation 2  supplemental animation 3

14.     Barabas, G** and A Ostling (2013) Community robustness in periodic environments for discrete-time dynamics.  Ecological Complexity 15:122-130.  DOI: 10.1016/j.ecocom.2013.07.001 pdf

15.     Barabás, G**, R DAndrea**, R Rael*, G Meszéna, and A Ostling (2013) Emergent neutrality or hidden niches? Oikos 122:1565-1572. pdf  DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2013.00298.x, reply DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2013.00790.x

16.     Sedio, B** and A Ostling (2013) How specialized must natural enemies be to facilitate coexistence among plants? Ecology Letters 16:995-1003 pdf  DOI: 10.1111/ele.12130 Online publication date: June, 2013  (Note Sedio is advised by C. Dick, but I served on his dissertation committee and was his main advisor for this theoretical paper.)

17.     DAndrea, R**, G Barabás **, and A Ostling (2013) Revising the tolerance-fecundity tradeoff, or On the consequences of discontinuous resource use.  American Naturalist 181: E91-E101. DOI: 10.1086/669902 pdf supp_appA  supp_appB  supp_appC  supp_appD

18.     Messinger, S** and A Ostling (2013) The influence of host reproduction, host death, and pathogen virulence on the evolution of pathogen transmission in a spatial context.  Evolutionary Ecology 27:353-380. DOI: 10.1007/s10682-012-9594-y pdf Online publication: August, 2012.

19.     Barabás, G**, R D`Andrea**, and A Ostling (2013) Species packing in nonsmooth competition models.  Theoretical Ecology 6: 1-19. DOI: 10.1007/s12080-011-0151-z pdf Online publication: January, 2012.

20.     Zhang, D Y, B Y Zhang, K Lin, X Jiang, Y Tao, S Hubbell, F He, and A Ostling (2012) Demographic tradeoffs determine species abundance and diversity.  Journal of Plant Ecology 5:82-88. DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtr039 pdf

21.     Ostling, A (2012b) Large-scale spatial synchrony and the stability of forest biodiversity revisited.  Journal of Plant Ecology 5:52-63.  DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtr035 pdf  Recommended by Faculty of 1000.

22.     Barabás, G **, G Meszéna, and A Ostling (2012) Community robustness and limiting similarity in periodic environments.  Theoretical Ecology 5:265-282. DOI: 10.1007/s12080-011-0127-z pdf Online publication date: May 2011.

23.     Ostling, A  (2012a) Do fitness-equalizing tradeoffs lead to neutral communities?  Theoretical Ecology 5:181-194. DOI: 10.1007/s12080-010-0107-8 pdf supplementary material Online publication date: Jan, 2011.

24.     Brym, Z T***, J K Lake*, Allen, D, and A Ostling (2011) Plant functional traits suggest novel ecological strategy for an invasive shrub in an understory woody plant community.  Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 1098-1106. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2011.02049.x pdf

25.     Lake, J K*, and A Ostling (2009) Comment on: Functional Traits and Niche-Based Tree Community Assembly in an Amazonian Forest.  Science 324:1015-c.  pdf kraft reply original kraft article

26.     Messinger, S** and A Ostling. (2009) The consequences of spatial structure for pathogen evolution.  The American Naturalist 174:441-454. pdf

27.     Morlon, H, White, E, Etienne, R, Green, J, Ostling, A, Alonso, D, Enquist, B, He, F,  Hurlbert, A, Magurran, A, Maurer, B, McGill, B, Olff, H, Storch, D, and T Zillio (2009)  Taking species abundance distributions beyond individuals.  Ecology Letters 12:488-501. pdf

28.     O’Dwyer, J P, J K Lake*, A. Ostling, V M Savage, and J L Green (2009)  An integrative framework for stochastic, size-structured community assembly.  PNAS 106:6170-6175.  pdf supplemental  Recommended by Faculty of 1000.

29.     Ballantyne, F, D Menge, A Ostling, and P Hosseini.  (2008)  Nutrient recycling affects autotroph and ecosystem stochiometry.  American Naturalist 171: 511-523. pdf

30.     Alonso, D*, A Ostling, and R Etienne.  (2008) The assumption of symmetry and species abundance distributions.  Ecology Letters 11:93-105. pdf  7sup1 sup2  (Note authorship on this paper was ordered by our relative contributions.)

31.     McGill, B, R S Ettiene, J Gray, D Alonso, M J Anderson, H K Benecha, M Dornelas, B J Enquist, J L Green, F He, A Hurlbert, A E Magurran, P A Marquet, B A Maurer, A Ostling, C U Sokyan, K Ugland, and E White (2007) Species abundance distributions: Moving beyond single prediction theories to integration within an ecological framework. Ecology Letters 10:  995-1015. pdf

32.     Carey, S, A Ostling, J Harte, and R del Moral.  (2007) Impact of curve construction and community dynamics on the species-time relationship.  Ecology 88: 2145-2153. pdf

33.     Ostling, A (2005) Neutral theory tested by birds.  Nature 436: 635. (News and Views) pdf

34.     Harte, J, E Conlisk, A Ostling, J L Green, and A B Smith. (2005) A theory of spatial-abundance and species-abundance distributions in ecological communities at multiple spatial scales. Ecological Monographs 75: 179-197. pdf

35.     Harte, J, A Ostling, J L Green, and A P Kinzig. (2004) Climate Change and Extinction.  Nature 430: Brief Communications. pdf

36.     Ostling, A, J Harte, J L Green, and A P Kinzig. (2004) Self-similarity, the power-law form of the species-area relationship, and a probability rule:  A reply.  The American Naturalist 163: 627-633. pdf

37.     Brose, U, A Ostling, K Harrison, and N D Martinez. (2004)  Unified spatial scaling of species and their trophic interactions.  Nature 428:167-171. pdf

38.     Green, J L, and A Ostling.  (2003) Endemics-area relationships: the influence of species dominance and spatial aggregation.  Ecology 84: 3090-3094. pdf

39.     Ostling, A, J Harte, J L Green, and A P Kinzig. (2003) A community-level fractal property produces power-law species-area relationships in nature. Oikos 103: 218-224. pdf

40.     Green, J L, J Harte, and A Ostling.  (2003) Species richness, endemism and abundance patterns:  tests of two fractal models in a serpentine grassland Ecology Letters 6: 919-928. pdf

41.     Harte, J, T Blackburn, and A Ostling. (2001) Self-similarity and the relationship between abundance and range size. The American Naturalist 157:374-386. pdf

42.     Green, J L, J Harte, and A Ostling. (2001) Global warming, temperature homogenization and species extinction, in Biotic Homogenization, Lockwood, J. and M. McKinney, editors, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers (2001). pdf

43.     Ostling, A, J Harte, and J L Green. (2000) Self-similarity and clustering in the spatial distribution of species -Technical Comment. Science 290:671a. pdf  Condit article

44.     Sardesai M, C Figge, M Bodner, M Crosby, J Hansen, J A Quillfeldt, S Landau, A Ostling, S Vuong, and G L Shaw.  (2001) Reliable short-term memory in the trion model: toward a cortical language and grammar. Biological Cybernetics 84:173-182.