adirato enraged

Albalonga a city in today's region of Lazio

allattare to nurse

avanzare to go forward

Marte Mars, the Roman god of war

Tevere the Tiber, river that runs through today's city of Rome

al di là beyond

aratro plow

bosco forest

burla joke

capanna hut

cauto cautious

cesta basket

cinta boundary

compito task

costringere to force

delitto crime

farsi to become

fianco side

fondare to found

fruscío rustling

fiume river

gemello twin

imprigionare to imprison

incaricare to charge

incredulo disbelieving

invidioso envious

ira rage

laggiù down there

lupa she-wolf

nutrirsi to feed

ombra shadow

oltre over, beyond

pastore shepherd

pian piano slowly and quietly

porre to place

punire to punish

raggiungere to reach

rapire to carry off

regnare to reign

riva river bank

sacerdotessa priestess

saggio wise

saltare to jump

salvare to save

segnare to mark

scagliarsi to hurl oneself

scivolare to slide

scomparire to disappear

scopo goal

scuro dark

sdraiarsi to lie down

selvaggio wild

serale evening (adj.)

solco furrow

spada sword

temporale tempest

tracciare to trace

trascinare to drag

uccello bird

uccidere to kill

vimine wicker