


Occasional papers

Recent Grants



Room 4121
School of Education
University of Michigan
610 East University
Ann Arbor, Michigan  48109-1259
Phone:  (734) 647-0622
Fax:      (734) 936-1606
E-mail:  annemari@umich.edu
Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar is the Jean and Charles Walgreen Jr. Chair of Reading and Literacy and a teacher educator in Educational Studies at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses on the design of learning environments that support self-regulation in learning activity, especially for children who experience difficulty learning in school. In current research, conducted with science educator, S.J. Magnusson, she studies how children use literacy in the context of guided inquiry science instruction, what types of text support children's inquiry, and what support students who are identified as atypical learners require to be successful in this instruction. In collaboration with R. J. Spiro and S. J. Magnusson, she is investigating the use of a hypermedia tool (called EASE-C) to support bringing to scale knowledge and practice regarding text comprehension instruction. In collaboration with B. Dalton from the Center for Applied Special Technologies, she also studies the role of computer assisted instruction in enhancing children's understanding of subject matter text and web-based text. Annemarie has served as a member of the National Academy’s Research Council on the Prevention of Reading Difficulty in Young Children; the OERI/RAND Reading Study Group, The National Education Goals Panel, and the National Advisory Board to Children's Television Workshop. She is the co-editor of the journal Cognition and Instruction. She completed her doctorate at the Center for the Study of Reading at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.