Technical Writing Intern
Orlando, FL
Email: amazzia [at]

About Me

I'm moving! As of May 2013 I will be a Software Engineer with Google in Mountain View. Until then, I'm a technical writing intern at Voxeo in Orlando, FL.

From 2010 to 2012 I was a Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor working with Professors Kristen LeFevre and Eytan Adar.

I earned my B.A. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Vanderbilt in 2010, and my M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Michigan in 2012.


Leveraging Noisy Lists for Social Feed Ranking.
Matthew Burgess, Alessandra Mazzia, Eytan Adar, Michael Cafarella.
To appear, ICWSM '13. [pdf]

The PViz Comprehension Tool for Social Network Privacy Settings.
Alessandra Mazzia, Kristen LeFevre, Eytan Adar.
Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) '12, Washington DC, July 11-13 2012. [pdf]

A Tool for Policy Comprehension.
Alessandra Mazzia, Kristen LeFevre, Eytan Adar.
CHI'11 Workshop on Networked Privacy, Vancouver, Canada, May 7, 2011. [pdf]

The PViz Comprehension Tool for Social Network Privacy Settings.
Alessandra Mazzia, Kristen LeFevre, Eytan Adar.
UM Tech Report #CSE-TR-570-11. April 2011. [pdf]

Selected Course Projects

Support for Non-Null Types in Java.
Allie Mazzia and James Juett
In EECS 590, Advanced Programming Languages. [pdf]

Suggesting Hashtags on Twitter.
Allie Mazzia and James Juett
In EECS 545, Machine Learning. [pdf]