Exercise due April 1

Arrangement Exercise

Follow the directions in the textbook (Exercise #2 on page 213), and look at three or four speeches. We're going to focus on speeches because the short essays that would be easily available online at newspaper or magazine websites will probably be too short to include all of these parts; your paper should be around eight pages, so you will need to think about arrangement in a different way than if you were writing a short editorial column.

Write two or three sentences about each speech. Did you find examples of insinuations, narratives, partitions, and perorations? Provide the title, rhetor, year, and web address for each speech (you do not need to do a formal bibliography for this exercise--just write the address).

Also, print an example of each of the four parts listed above. If you can't find one speech with all four parts, print an example of each part from different speeches. We'll talk about some of these in class on Monday.

Here are some links that will take you to speeches. I found out about some of them from Professor Anne Demo, a professor at Vanderbilt University, so I want to be sure to publicly thank her. Thanks, Anne!

This assignment may be handwritten rather than typed if you would like, but please remember to write very legibly. Thanks.

As usual, feel free to email me if you have any questions.

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