Persuasive Writing
English 425.02: Portnoy

Exercises due October 31

Modified Version of Exercise #1, page 218

Creating an Emotional Appeal

Read the directions for the exercise in Ancient Rhetorics for Contemporary Students. Use one of the claims or the main argument you are working on for your second paper, and think about it very specifically in the rhetorical situation you have identified for that paper. As directed in the textbook exercise, decide what emotions would rouse your target audience to action, or at least move them to change their minds about one of your claims (or your main argument). Create an emotional appeal of approximately one and one-half to two pages that is calculated, as Crowley and Hawhee direct, to rouse the requisite emotions. You do not need to create an enargeia, but you may if you like. Two pitfalls for this assignment: relying too heavily on exigence or being over-the-top dramatic such that you lose credibility. Write a credible and also primarily emotional appeal for this exercise.

This assignment should be typed and ready to submit at the start of class on October 31.

As usual, feel free to email me if you have any questions.

MRU: 30 August 2007