Previous Teaching

* indicates coordination of multi-section course
** indicates coordination of multi-section course in addition to teaching one or more sections of the same course

Fall 2022

** Math 115 - Calculus I

Winter 2022

** Math 115 - Calculus I

Fall 2021

** Math 115 - Calculus I

Winter 2021

** Math 115 - Calculus I (remote)

Fall 2020

** Math 115 - Calculus I (remote)

Winter 2020

** Math 116 - Calculus II (in person with transition to remote)

Fall 2019

** Math 115 - Calculus I

Winter 2019

Math 115 - Calculus I

Fall 2018

** Math 115 - Calculus II

Winter 2018

Math 115 - Calculus I

Fall 2017

** Math 116 - Calculus II

Winter 2017

** Math 116 - Calculus II

Fall 2016

** Math 115 - Calculus I

Winter 2016

** Math 115 - Calculus I

Fall 2015

** Math 115 - Calculus I

Spring 2015

Math 425 (Stats 425) - Introduction to Probability

Winter 2015

* Math 115 - Calculus I

Math 425 (Stats 425) - Introduction to Probability

Fall 2014

** Math 115 - Calculus I

Spring 2014

Math 425 (Stats 425) - Introduction to Probability

Winter 2014

** Math 115 - Calculus I

Fall 2013

** Math 105 - Data, Functions, and Graphs

Spring 2013

Math 425 (Stats 425) - Introduction to Probability

Winter 2013

** Math 105 - Data, Functions, and Graphs

Fall 2012

** Math 105 - Data, Functions, and Graphs

Summer 2012

Math 425 (Stats 425) - Introduction to Probability

Winter 2012

** Math 105 - Data, Functions, and Graphs

Fall 2011

** Math 105 - Data, Functions, and Graphs

Spring 2011

Math 215 - Calculus III

Winter 2011

Math 215 - Calculus III

Math 412 - Introduction to Modern Algebra

Fall 2010

** Math 105 - Data, Functions, and Graphs

Summer 2010

Math 116 - Calculus II

Winter 2010

** Math 105 - Data, Functions, and Graphs

Fall 2009

** Math 115 - Calculus I

Northwestern University

Summer 2009

Math 230 - Differential Calculus of Multivariable Functions

Spring 2009

Math 214 - Single Variable Calculus III

Math 290-3 - MENU: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus III

Winter 2009

Math 213 - Single Variable Calculus I

Math 290-2 - MENU: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus II

Fall 2008

Math 212 - Single Variable Calculus I

Math 290-1 - MENU: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus I

Spring 2008

Math 214 - Single Variable Calculus III

Math 291-3 - MENU: Accelerated Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus III

Winter 2008

Math 213 - Single Variable Calculus II

Math 290-2 - MENU: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus II

Fall 2007

Math 234 - Multiple Integration and Vector Calculus

Math 290-1 - MENU: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus I

The Ohio State University

Spring 2007

Math 582:  Abstract Algebra III

Autumn 2006

Math 571:  Linear Algebra for Applications

Spring 2006

Math 582:  Abstract Algebra III

Winter 2006

Math 581:  Abstract Algebra II

Autumn 2005

Math 580:  Abstract Algebra I

Spring 2005

Math 153A:  Calculus and Analytic Geometry III  

Winter 2005

Math 152A:  Calculus and Analytic Geometry II

Autumn 2004

Math 151A:  Calculus and Analytic Geometry I

The University of Chicago

Winter 2004

Math 162:  Honors Calculus II

Summer 2003

Math 195:  Mathematical Methods for Biological or Social Sciences I (Multivariable calculus)

Autumn 2002

Math 112:  Studies in Mathematics (Introduction to mathematical ideas and proof in number theory and geometry)

Spring 2002

Math 133:  Elementary Functions and Calculus III

Winter 2002

Math 132:  Elementary Functions and Calculus II

Autumn 2001

Math 131:  Elementary Functions and Calculus I

Spring 2001

Math 133:  Elementary Functions and Calculus III

Winter 2001

Math 132:  Elementary Functions and Calculus II

Autumn 2000

Math 131:  Elementary Functions and Calculus I

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