Allen Hicken, Department of Political Science

University of Michigan


7642 Haven Hall

505 S. State St.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109


Phone 734-615-9105

Fax: 734-764-3522


Contact Information:

Welcome to my web page.  I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Michigan.   I am also a faculty associate with the Center for Political Studies and the Center for Southeast Asian Studies.

My research interests lie in the realm of political institutions, political economy, and policymaking in new and developing democracies. Political parties, or more precisely, party systems, make up the analytical core around which much of my research turns. This research agenda is driven by a desire to better understand the nature, evolution, and consequences of political parties and party systems in developing democracies. Specifically, I am interested in how and why certain kinds of parties and party systems emerge (or fail to emerge) in developing democracies, and how various types of party systems interact with other political institutions to shape the incentives and capabilities of policymakers. In much of my work I draw on cases from Southeast Asia (particularly Thailand and the Philippines) to test hypotheses and generate new research questions.