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Harper, J.M., Galecki, A.T., Burke, D.T., and Miller, R.A. (2004) Body weight, hormones and T-cell subsets as predictors of lifespan in genetically heterogeneous mice. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 125, 5, 381-390.

Wisser K.C., Schauerte J.A., Burke D.T., Galecki A.T., Chen S., Miller R.A., Gafni A. (2004) Mapping tissue-specific genes correlated with age-dependent changes in protein stability and function. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 432, 1, 58-70.

Lipman R, Galecki A.T., Burke D.T., Miller R.A. (2004) Genetic loci that influence cause of death in a heterogeneous mouse stock. Journal of Gerontology, 59, 10, 977-983.

Chang, A., Smith, M.J., Bloem, C., Galecki, A.T., Halter, J.B. (2004) Effect of lowering postpandial hyperglycemia on insulin secretion in older people with impaired glucose tolerance. American Journal of Physiology , 287, 5, E906-E911.

Volkman, S., Galecki, A.T., Burke, D.T., Paczas,M., Moalli, M., Miller, R.A., Goldstein, S.A. (2004) Quantitative trait loci that modulate femoral mechanical properties in a genetically heterogeneous mouse population. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research , 19, 9, 1497-1505.

Wolf, N.A., Galecki, A.T., Lipman, R.D., Chen, S., Burke, D.T., Miller, R.A. (2004) Quantitative trait locus mapping for age-related cataract severity and synechia prevalence using four-way cross mice. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 45, 6, 1922-1929.

Given C., Given B., Rahbar M., Jeon S., McCorkle R., Cimprich B., Galecki A., Kozachik S., DeVoss, D., Brady A., Fisher-Malloy M., Courtney K., Bowie E. (2004) Does a symptom management intervention affect depression among cancer patients: Results from a clinical trial Psychooncology, 13, 11, 818-830.

Galecki, A.T., Wolfinger, R.D., Linares, O.A., Smith, M.J., Halter, J.B. (2004) Ordinary differential equation PK/PD models using the SAS macro NLINMIX. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 14, 483-503.

Given C., Given B., Rahbar M., Jeon S., McCorkle R., Cimprich B., Galecki A., Kozachik S., Brady A., Fisher-Malloy M., Courtney K., Bowie E. (2004) Effect of a Cognitive Behavioral Intervention on Reducing Symptom Severity During Chemotherapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 22, 3, 507-516.

Xu, S., Yi, N., Burke, D.T., Galecki, A.T., Miller, R.A. (2003) An EM algorithm for mapping binary disease loci: application to fibrosarcoma in a four-way cross mouse family. Genetical Research , 82, 127-138.

Chang, A.M., Jakobsen, G., Sturis, J, Smith, M.J., Bloem, C.J., An, B., Galecki, A., Halter, J.B. (2003) The GLP-1 derivative, NN2211, restores beta cell sensitivity to glucose in type 2 diabetes patients after a single dose. Diabetes , 52, 7, 1786-1791.

Mody L., Kauffman, C.A., McNeil, S.A, Galecki, A.T., Bradley, S.F. (2003) Mupirocin Decolonization of Staphylococcus aureus Carriers in Two Long-Term Care Facilities: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, 37, 1467-1474.

Harper, J. M., Galecki, A.T., Burke, D.T., Pinkosky, S.L., and Miller, R.A. (2003) Quantitative Trait Loci for Insulin-like Growth Factor I, Leptin, Thyroxine, and Corticosterone in Genetically Heterogeneous Mice. Physiological Genomics, 15, 44-51.

Harper, J. M., Wolf, N., Galecki, A.T., Pinkosky, S.L., and Miller, R.A. (2003) Hormone levels and cataract scores as sex-specific, mid-life predictors of longevity in genetically heterogeneous mice. Mech. Ageing and Development, 124, 801-810.

Volkman, S., Galecki, A.T., Burke, D.T., Paczas,M., Moalli, M., Miller R., Goldstein, S.A. (2003) Quantitative trait loci for femoral size and shape in a genetically heterogeneous mouse population. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 18, 8, 1497-1505.

Landers, J.J., Cao Z.Y., Lee I., Piehler L.T., Myc P.P., Myc A., Hamouda T., Galecki A.T., Baker J.R. (2002) Prevention of influenza pneumonitis by sialic acid-conjugated dendritic polymers. Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, 186, 9, 1222-1230.

Jackson, A.U., Galecki, A.T., Burke, D.T., and Miller, R.A.(2003) Genetic polymorphisms in mouse genes regulating age-sensitive and age-stable T cell subsets. Genes and Immunity 4, 1, 30-39.

Srinivas Ayyadevara, Rajani Ayyadevara, Anthony Vertino, Andrzej Galecki, John J. Thaden, and Robert J. Shmookler Reis (2002) Quantitative trait loci affecting fitness and life span in caenorhabditis elegans: categorical trait interval mapping in CL2a4Bergerac-BO recombinant-inbred worms. Genetics, 163, 557-570.

Miller, R.A., Chang, Y., Galecki, A.T., Al-Regaiey, K., Kopchick, J., Bartke, A. (2002) Gene expression patterns in calorically restricted mice: Partial overlap with long-lived mutant mice. Molecular Endocrinology 16, 11, 2657-2666.

Perucchini, D., DeLancey, J.O.L., Ashton-Miller J.A., Galecki A.T., and Schaer, G.N. (2002) Age effects on urethral striated muscle - II. Anatomic location of muscle loss. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 186, 3, 356-360.

Dozmorov, I., Galecki, A.T., Chang, Y., Krzesicki, R., Vergara, M., Miller, R.A. (2002) Gene Expression Profile of Long-Lived Snell Dwarf Mice. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 57A, 3, B1-B10.

Miller, Crisp, C., R.A., Jackson, A.U., Galecki, A.T., Burke, D.T, (2002) Coordinated genetic control of neoplastic and nonneoplastic disease in mice. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 57A, B1-B6.

Jackson, A.U., Galecki, A.T., Burke, D.T, Miller, R.A. (2002) Mouse loci associated with life span exhibit sex-specific and epistatic effects. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 57A, B1-B7.

Miller, R.A., Harper, J.M., Galecki, A., Burke, D.T. (2002) Big mice die young: early life-body weight predicts longevity in genetically heterogeneous mice. Aging Cell, 1,22-29.

Alexander, N.B., Galecki, A.T., Grenier, M.L., Nyquist, L.V., Hofmeyer, M.R., Grunawalt, J.C., Medell, J.L., and Fry-Welch, D. (2001) Task-specific resistance training to improve the ability of activities of daily living-impaired older adults to rise from a bed and from a chair. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , 49, 1418-1427.

Miller, R.A., Galecki, A.T., and Shmookler-Reis, R.J.(2001) Response to "interpretation, design, and analysis of gene array expression experiments" - Reply. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences , 56, B329-B330

Miller, R.A., Galecki, A.T., Shmookler-Reis, R.J. (2001) Interpretation, Design, and Analysis of Gene Array Expression Experiments. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 56A, B1-B6.

Galecki, A.T., Ten Have, T.R., and Molenberghs, G. (2001) A simple and fast alternative to the EM algorithm for incomplete categorical data and latent class models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 35, 265-81.

Preisser, J.S., Galecki, A.T., Lohman, K.K., and Wagenknecht, L.E. (2000) Analysis of smoking trends with incomplete repeated responses. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95, 1021-1031.

Fries, B.E., Morris, J.N., Skarupski, K.A., Blaum, C.S., Galecki, A., Bookstein, F., and Ribbe M. (2000) Accelerated Dysfunction Among the Very Oldest-Old in Nursing Homes. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Science, 55A, M336-M341.

Alexander, N.B., Galecki, A.T., Nyquist, L.V., Hofmeyer, M.R., Grunawalt, J.C., Grenier, M.L., Medell, J.L., and Fry-Welch, D. (2000) Chair and bed rise performance in ADL-impaired congregate housing residents. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 48, 526-33.

Brown, M.D., Srinivasan M., Hogikyan R.V., Dengel D.R., Glickman S.G., Galecki A.T., Supiano M.A. (2000) Nitric oxide biomarkers increase during exercise-induced vasodilation in the forearm. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 21:(2), 83-89

Hogikyan, R.V., Galecki, A.T., Halter, J.B., and Supiano, M.A. (1999) Heightened Norepinephrine-Mediated Vasoconstriction in Type 2 Diabetes. Metabolism, 48, 1536-41.

Miller, R., Austad, S., Burke, D., Chrisp, C., Dysko, R., Galecki, A.T., Jackson, A.U., and Monnier, V. (1999) Exotic mice as models for aging research polemic and prospectus. Neurobiology of Aging, 20, 217-31.

Yamada, R., Galecki, A.T., Goold, S.D., and Hogikyan, R.V. (1999) A multimedia intervention on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and advance directives Journal of General Internal Medicine, 14, 559-63.

Jackson, A.U., Fornes, A., Galecki, A.T., Miller, R.A., and Burke D.T. (1999) Multiple trait QTL analysis using a large mouse sibship. Genetics, 151, 785-95.

Supiano, M.A., Hogikyan, R.V., Sidani, M.A., Galecki, A.T., and Krueger, J.L. (1999) Sympathetic nervous system activity and adrenergic responsiveness in older hypertensive humans. American Journal of Physiology, 276, E519-28.

Dengel, D.R., Galecki, A.T., Hagberg J.M., and Pratley, R.E. (1998) The independent and combined effects of weight loss and aerobic exercise on blood pressure and oral glucose tolerance in older men. American Journal of Hypertension, 11, 1405-12.

Hogikyan, R.V., Galecki, A.T., Pitt, B., Halter, J.B., Greene, D.A., and Supiano, M.A. (1998) Specific impairment of endothelial-dependent vasodilation in subjects with type 2 diabetes independent of obesity. Journal of Clinical Endrocrinology and Metabolism, 83, 1946-52.

Larkin, L.M., Kuzon W.M., Supiano M.A., Galecki A.T., and Halter J.B. (1998) Effect of age and neurovascular grafting on the mechanical function of medial gastrocnemius muscles of Fischer 344 rats. Journal of Gerontology, 53A, B252-8.

Galecki, A.T. (1998) NLMEM: New SAS/IML macro for hierarchical nonlinear models. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine , 55, 207-16.

Greenwood, A.D., Southard-Smith E.M., Galecki A.T., and Burke D.T. (1997) Coordinate control and variation in X-linked gene expression among female mice. Mammalian Genome, 8, 818-22.

Miller, R.A., Chrisp, C., and Galecki, A.T. (1997) CD4 memory T cell levels predict life span in genetically heterogeneous mice. FASEB J, 11, 775-83.

Garcia, G.V., Freeman, R.V., Supiano, M.A., Smith, M.J., Galecki, A.T., and Halter, J.B. (1997) Glucose metabolism in older adults: A study including subjects over age 80. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 45, 813-7.

Voelkl, J.E., Galecki, A.T. and Fries, B.E. (1996) Nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairments: Predictors of participation in activity groups. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 30, 27-40.

Voelkl, J.E., Fries, B.E., and Galecki, A.T. (1995) Predictors of nursing home residents: Participation in activities programs. The Gerontologist, 35, 44-51.

Ortiz-Alonso, F.J., Galecki, A.T., Herman, W.H., Smith, M.J., Jacquez J.A., and Halter, J.B. (1994) Hypoglycemia counterregulation in elderly humans: Relationship to glucose levels. American Journal of Physiology, 267, E497-506.

Galecki, A.T. (1994) General class of covariance structures for two or more repeated factors in longitudinal data analysis. Communications in Statistics, 23, 3105-20.

Berg, D. Selbmann, H.K., Suss, J., Galecki, A. (1994) Neonatale Mortalitat bei Geburt aus Beckenendlage. Gynakolagie 7, 79-84.

Supiano, M.A., Hogikyan, R.V., Morrow, L.A., Ortiz, F.J., Herman, W.H., Galecki, A.T., and Halter, J.B. (1993) Aging and insulin sensitivity: Role of blood pressure and sympathetic nervous system activity. Journal of Gerontology, 48, M237-43.

Ensberg, M.D., Paletta, M.J., Galecki, A.T., Dacko, C.L., and Fries B.E. (1993) Identifying elderly patients for early discharge after hospitalization for hip fracture. Journal of Gerontology, 48, M187-95.

Wan, J. and Galecki, A.T. (1992) The maximum likelihood estimation and testing of a Poisson regression model. Methods of Information in Medicine, 31, 215-8.

Mikiel-Kostyra, K. and Galecki, A.T. (1990) Przygotowanie personelu sluzby zdrowia do upowszechniania karmienia piersia--badanie pilotazowe. Czesc III--Praktyki i deklarowane przeciwwskazania do karmienia piersia [Preparation of health service personnel for wides pread use of breast feeding--a pilot study. Part III--Practice and declared contraindications to breast feeding].Wiad Lek, 43, 718-23.

Mikiel-Kostyra, K. and Galecki, A.T. (1990) Przygotowanie personelu sluzby zdrowia do upowszechniania karmienia piersia--badanie pilotazowe. Czesc II--Postawy [Education of health personnel for promotion of breast feeding--a pilot study. Part II--Attitudes]. Wiadomosci Lekarskie, 43, 658-61.

Mikiel-Kostyra, K. and Galecki, A.T. (1990) Przygotowanie personelu sluzby zdrowia do upowszechniania karmienia piersia--badanie pilotazowe (Czesc I--Wiedza) [Preparation of health personnel for the promotion of breast feeding--a pilot study (Part I--The level of knowledge)]. Wiadomosci Lekarskie, 43, 572-77.

Kopczynski, J., Czyzyk, A., Gawlik, G., Janeczko, D., and Galecki, A.T. (1989) Czynniki okreslajace obecnosc i zapowiadajace wystapienie retinopatii cukrzycowej [Factors determining the presence and predicting the development of diabetic retinopathy]. Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnetrznej, 82, 86-92.

Kasperska-Czyzykowa, T., Jaskolska-Ladosz, K., Wisniewska, K., Galecki, A.T., Nowaczyk, R., and Woy-Wojciechowski, J. (1988) Sprawnosc czynnosciowa komorek B wysp trzustkowych u chorych na cukrzyce typu 2 z pozna rzeczywista nieskutecznoscia pochodnych sulfonylomocznika [Functional capacity of pancreatic B cells in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 with late true ineffectiveness of sulfonylurea derivatives]. Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnetrznej , 81, 168-175.

Mikiel-Kostyra, K., Komorowski, K., Borkowski, W., and Galecki, A.T. (1987) Ocena rejestru zgloszeniowego wad wrodzonych na terenie dziewieciu wybranych wojewodztw [Evaluation of registries of congenital anomalies in 9 selected provinces]. Pediatria Polska, 62, 161-6.

Kasperska-Czyzykowa, T., Jaskolska-Ladosz, K., Galecki, A.T., Trzaski M., and Woy-Wojciechowski J. (1986) Effect of biguanide derivatives (phenformin) on carbohydrate tolerance in 'borderline' and asymptomatic ('chemical') diabetes. Results of a 5-year prospective study. Acta Medica Polona, 27, 141-52.

Galecki, A.T. (1976) Rozwiazanie zadania konkursowego [Solution of the mathematical problem]. Matematyka, 31, 378-80.

Galecki, A.T. (1975) Rozwiazanie zadania konkursowego [Solution of the mathematical problem]. Matematyka, 30, 63-4.


Miller, R.A., Jackson, A.U., Chrisp, C., Galecki, A.T., and Burke, D.T. (1998) Genetics of aging and immunity. Aging (Milano) . 10(2), 154-5.

Galecki, A.T. (1989) Note on GLIM and the weighted least-squares algorithm. The GLIM Newsletter, 18, 14-6.

Galecki, A.T. and Borkowski, W. (1985) O wplywie zastosowanego schematu losowania na wnioskowanie statystyczne [On the influence of sampling design on statistical inference]. Materials of the First International Conference 'Computers in Medicine', Nov. 5-7, 1985 p.280-5, Wroclaw, Poland.

Borkowski, W., Galecki, A.T., and Karwanski, M. (1985) Przygotowanie zawodowe zespolow ludzkich jako czynnik decydujacy w procesie informatyzacji epidemiologii [Professional experience as a deciding factor in the informatization of epidemiology]. Materials of the First International Conference 'Computers in Medicine', p.277-8, Nov. 5-7, 1985, Wroclaw, Poland

Borkowski, W., Karwanski, M., and Galecki, A.T. (1985) Niektore zagadnienia zwiazane z nauczaniem informatyki w wyzszej szkole medycznej [Selected issues related to teaching informatics in medical schools]. Materials of the First International Conference 'Computers in Medicine', p.80-1, Nov.5-7, 1985, Wroclaw, Poland.


Schepers, G., Won, H.K., Bieliauskas, L.A., Galecki, A.T., and Hogikyan, R.V. (1999) A long term care setting pilot study evaluating predictors of success in medication self-administration. J Am Geriatric Soc, 47, S86-S86.

Hogikyan, R.V., Galecki, A.T., Halter, J.B., and Supiano, M.A. (1999) Heightened arterial alpha-adrenergic responsiveness despite normal systemic sympathetic nervous system activity in Type 2 diabetes. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 47, S68-S68.

Brown, M.D., Srininivasan, M., Hogikyan, R.V., Dengel, D.R., Glickman, S.G., Galecki, A., and Supiano, M.A. (1998) Nitric oxide biomarkers increase during exercise-induced vasodilation in the forearm. Med Sci Sports & Exer, 30, 1206.

Galecki, A.T. NLMEM: New SAS/IML macro for nonlinear mixed effects models.
Joint Statistical Meeting, August, 1997, Anaheim. 2 hours Computer Technology Workshop.

Galecki, A.T., Linares, O.A., Hogikyan, R.V., Supiano, M.A., and Halter, J.B. Global two-stage Method using SAS/PROC MIXED Joint Statistical Meeting, August, 1997, Anaheim.

Linares, O.A., Zech, L.A., Galecki, A.T., Supiano, M.A., and Halter, J.B. (1995) Evaluation of Bayesian estimation in comparison to a first-order method for population kinetics modeling: Application to norepinephrine metabolism in humans. J Invest Med., 43, 478A.

Galecki, A.T. General class of covariance structures for several dependent variables in longitudinal data analysis. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, August 10-13, 1994, Toronto.

Galecki, A.T., Wan, J.Y., and Gillespie, B.W. Cox model using logistic regression. Biometric Society (ENAR) Spring Meeting, April 9-13, 1994, Cleveland.

Galecki, A.T. General class of covariance structures for two or more repeated factors in longitudinal data analysis. 153rd Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, August 8-12, 1993, San Francisco.

Ortiz, F.J., Herman, W.H., Galecki, A.T., Hu, D., Smith, M.J., and Halter, J.B. Adaptation of the epinephrine response to hypoglycemia in older adults with NIDDM.
Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association, June 7-12, 1992, San Antonio.

Supiano, M.A., Morrow, L.A., Herman, W.H., Ortiz, F.A., Galecki, A.T., Hogikyan, R.V., and Halter, J.B. (1991) Insulin resistance, aging, and heightened sympathetic activity in humans. The Gerontologist, 31, 147A.

Janeczko, D., Czyzyk, A., Kopczynski, J., and Galecki, A.T. (1988) Antecedents of fatal stroke in diabetic patients compared with non-diabetic patients. Diabetologia, 31, 503A
24th European Association for the Study of Diabetes, September 1988, Paris, France.

Czyzyk, A., Janeczko, D., Kopczynski, J. and Galecki, A.T. (1988) Is specific myocardial disease or atypical coronary heart disease responsible for excess cardiovascular mortality among diabetic patients? Diabetologia, 31, 483A. 24th European Association for the Study of Diabetes, September 1988, Paris, France.

Kaminska, Z., Mikiel-Kostyra, K., Galecki, A.T., and Olton, E. Psychospoleczne aspekty karmienia naturalnego [Psychosociological aspects of breast feeding]. 26th Scientific Meeting of the Polish Psychological Association, 9-12.XII.1987, Szczecin, Poland.

Galecki, A.T. Influence of cluster sampling on statistical inference. An empirical investigation. 11th Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association, p.108, 8-13 August 1987, Helsinki, Finland.

Kasperska-Czyzykowa, T., Jaskolska, K., Wisniewska, K., Galecki, A.T., and Woy-Wojciechowski, J. (1985) B-cell function in type 2 diabetics with true secondary failure to sulfonylureas. A progress report'. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Supplement 1. 12th Congress of the International Diabetes Federation, 23-28.09 1985, Madrid, Spain.

Janeczko, D., Kopczynski, J., and Galecki A.T. Sex ratio among first-degree relatives of insulin-dependent and non-insulin dependent diabetic outpatients. 34th Conference of Polish Diabetological Association, 31.V-1.VI.1985, Kolobrzeg, Poland.

Janeczko, D., Kopczynski, J., Galecki, A.T., and Janeczko, E. Results of the observation of 7-year mortality in the cohort of the participants of multinational study of vascular disease in diabetics. 34th Conference of Polish Diabetological Association, 31.V-1.VI.1985, Kolobrzeg, Poland.

Kasperska-Czyzykowa, T., Jaskolska, K., Wisniewska, K., Galecki, A.T., and Woy-Wojciechowski, J. (1984) Serum C-peptide levels in patients with Type 2 /non-insulin-dependent/ diabetes treated with insulin because of secondary failure to sulphonylureas'. Diabetologia, 8, 294A.