Dioxin Emissions


Emissions Modeling

Emissions modeling from incinerators or other industrial (point sources) is often required to inform the exposure of human populations to hazardous compounds.  Generally, emissions modeling includes:

  1. Collecting data of the dioxin emission profile from the stack

  2. Information on the incinerator metrics (stack height, rate, etc...)

  3. Defining the meteorological conditions (lower, upper atmosphere)

  4. Selection of the dispersion model for emissions and deposition (Industrial Source Complex Model, AERMOD, etc...)

  5. Congener-specific probabilistic estimation of emission plume dimensions, concentrations, and wet/dry deposition

To date we have applied these models to the emissions of the Dow facilities in Midland Michigan, and validated the predictions to soil concentration measurements.

Publications to Date

Trinh, H., P. Goovaerts, A.H. Demond, A. Franzblau, B. Gillespie, J. Lepkowski, and. P. Adriaens.  2010.  Comparison of ISCST3 and AERMOD Models to Predict Dioxin Deposition from Industrial Incinerators.  Atm. Poll.  In Preparation.

Trinh, H., P. Goovaerts, A.H. Demond, A. Franzblau, B. Gillespie, J. Lepkowski, and. P. Adriaens.  2010.  Prediction of congener specific dioxin deposition from an incinerator: the

AERMOD air dispersion model.  Chemosphere, In Preparation.

Trinh, H., P. Goovaerts, A.H. Demond, A. Franzblau, B. Gillespie, J. Lepkowski, and. P. Adriaens.  2010.  Validation of the Local Uncertainty Model to Predict Soil Concentrations of Dioxin Congeners in the Vicinity of an Incinerator  Chemosphere, In Preparation.

Trinh, H.  2009.  Spatial distribution of dioxin deposition plumes in the vicinity of an incinerator using air dispersion coupled geostatistical models.  Dissertation, The University of Michigan.

Goovaerts, P. H. T. Trinh, A. Demond, A. Franzblau, D. Garabrant, B. Gillespie, J. Lepkowski, and P. Adriaens.  2008.  Geostatistical Modeling of the Spatial Distribution of Soil Dioxin in the Vicinity of an Incinerator: 1. Theory and Application.  Environ. Sci. Technol., 42(10); 3648-3654.

Goovaerts, P., H. T. Trinh, A. H. Demond, T. Towey, S.-C. Chang, D. Gwinn, B. Hong, A. Franzblau, D. Garabrant, B. W. Gillespie, J. Lepkowski, and P. Adriaens.  2008.  Geostatistical Modeling of the Spatial Distribution of Soil Dioxin in the Vicinity of an Incinerator: 2. Verification and Calibration.  Environ. Sci. Technol., 42(10); 3655-3661.