Anne's Amber Session April, 27, 2001

Going to Misao's shadow to talk over plans to mount an assault on the place where Emma is.

Upon arrival Misao calls out for her second in command and then collapses, having done more than her current endurance would allow. Lucian tells a Nyan-Nyan to get Mike, since Mike is considered more stable than Jerrick. After a quick assessment of Misao, Mike brings in Adam, to care for her.

Arndis, Lucian and Sybella still have dinner at Misao's castle, but soon after Arndis suggests returning to Amber and talking to Random. Sybella suggests calling in Wakenda.

Arndis pattern teleports the group back to her rooms in Castle Amber. Sybella calls in Wakenda. Lucian informs Wakenda about the disappearances, and  what we've discovered while we  were looking for them. Wakenda suggests looking into people's minds, to gather information that the common public doesn't seem willing to share with members of the royal family, Arndis, Lucian and Sybella don't particularly like the idea but agree that it could be used as a last resort. Wakenda wonders about what ties all these different people together. The possibility of these people being Flora's spies, or some other threat to the crown is brought up much to the distress of Sybella and Lucian. Arndis suggests that they may be in a location of protective custody, instead of waiting for crown's judgement. Realizing that they really can't do anything more that night, the party disperses to get some rest, or work on other projects.

Wakenda and Lucian discuss how long it takes to make a full trump. Arndis shoos them out of her apartments and gets some sleep.

Wakenda goes with Sybella, who is still deeply troubled and  listens to her until she falls asleep. He then retires to his rooms and reads some of Flora's stash of trashy romance novels. Takes notes from them with the idea that they might prove useful as leads to where Flora is hiding.

In the morning, Wakenda makes an appointment to speak to the king, Sybella and Arndis take Lucian some food and plan to go down to the city to see if we can determine what happened in the city that the people want to avoid thinking about.  Sybella is worried about her friends.

On the way into town Sybella, Lucian and Arndis discuss helping Quentin arrange the funerals he's been asked to.  Arndis uses a pattern lens to focus the search in the city to a few locations other than where Rory and Esther disappeared. With the plan of first attempting to find answers by asking direct questions about what happened to these other people who disappeared, the group ends up at an apothecary. After some observation Arndis, Lucian and Sybella realize that the public are showing a strong aversion to the shop. None of the customers appear to be regulars, no idle chit chat, and transactions are all business. The shopkeeper is very uncomfortable, with the presence of three members of Amber Royalty in his place, but he answers questions and it is discovered that his boarders were removed by a detachment of the king's guard as traitors, early in the previous day. Leaving the shop, the trio make for Arndis' city apartments, all three notice strong feelings of tension and a generalized fear in the city. Lucian calls Wakenda for a quick hand up to the palace. Arriving there before Wakenda's appointment with Random, Lucian informs Wakenda about the information discovered about the official story regarding the people gathered up in the sweep of the city.
Wakenda has his private audience with Random. Random is generally not forthcoming on what is going to happen to the people being held in his special shadow. Random mentions that his sweep through the city was to take care of 'problems he could no longer ignore.' which Wakenda seemed to be aware of.

(Discussion on how old some of these people are.)

After realizing that King Random must have a reason for holding the people he picked up and that 'rescuing' them might get them in a whole lot of trouble, Arndis, Sybella, Lucian and Wakenda decide to turn to something that Random asked them to do, and begin to track down Flora and House Jessea. Wakenda has an idea about setting up a series of tracking stations in shadow, on the pretence of tracking shadow storms, which may also work to track Jessemy. Lucian has some problems with setting up something as large as a network. Arndis can see the advantages of having a network of 'safe houses' during a chase of something as dangerous as a House of Chaos.

Lucian informs Arndis and Wakenda about the rescue mission to save Marfisa from Darren, and raises the question of the probability of Stefan's creation replacing Marfisa with clone or construct. The Marfisa in Amber is in a drug induced coma, but something else weird. Marfisa's mind has retreated to protect it from the ordeal she had to  endure. Lucian and Wakenda combine their psychic energies to enter her mind and reassure her that she is back in Amber while trying to wake her gently. This succeeds and Marfisa starts to recover. She is resting as the session ends.