Cordelia's Forms

Amanda: She's 5'7". Her hair is auburn and her eyes gray. Her hair curls tightly, and she wears it only a few inches long. Even at that length, it's difficult to care for on the road. Her nose is rather small but is normal in shape. Her chin juts forward a little bit but not enough to really be noticeable. The rest of her face flows evenly to the sides and back from her nose and chin and is a bit more rounded than flat. Her eyebrows are heavy and darker than her hair. They have a tendency to grow together if she doesn't do anything about it, and she generally doesn't. She's obviously spent a great deal of time out in the sun; her skin has a healthy tan, and there are wrinkles in the corners of her eyes that seem to be from squinting (They show most when she's smiling or laughing). She's visibly muscular and moves with an easy, relaxed air.

Bee:  She's 5'4" and rather gaunt.  Her body is covered with short gray fur.  Her ears are pointed, and she has retractable claws on her fingers and toes.  Her eyes are completely black with no whites and no visible differentiation between pupil and iris.  Her fingers are longer than human normal, and her wrists are far more flexible than human normal.

Cordelia:  She's 5'4" with brown eyes and black hair.  Her skin is quite pale (although it's begun to tan as she spends more time outside).  She has very high and pronounced cheekbones and a strong chin.  This produces sharp plains on her face.  Her nose is just a bit too long and rather thin and sharp.  It's generally the first thing people notice about her face.  Her eyebrows are dark and tend to grow together (she lets them).  She's thin but has started building muscle; she'll never be fat.  She wears her hair long and sometimes hides behind it when she feels threatened.

Eurydice: She's six feet tall and skinny almost to the point of emaciation. Her limbs seem too long for her body. Her hair is brown and cut very short, no more than half an inch from her head. Her face is exaggeratedly elongated, and this adds to the appearance of unhealthy skinniness. All of her facial features fit the shape of her face. Her eyes are also brown with no special qualities or abilities. Her body is completely asexual; it has no genitalia or secondary sexual characteristics or body hair. Her skin is striped with alternating bits of dead white and dead black. This coloration continues under her hair and gives an odd effect where it shows through. She walks with a pronounced stoop and has a tendency to cringe. When she stops and isn't doing anything to preclude it, she crouches.

Linette: She's a blue eyed blond with delicate features. Her skin is the pale white-pink of someone who spends little or no time exposed to the sun, but she's obviously healthy. She's just at the beginnings of puberty, no longer a little girl but not quite anything else. Her face and body hold the promise of great physical beauty. She's not quite five feet tall and is slim with hips and breasts just starting their transformation. Her hair is long and naturally straight but only falls to her shoulders in front because it's carefully curled into ringlets. She has bangs that are obviously being grown out; they're in the awkward stage of being too long to be bangs and too short to be pulled to the sides.

Philomena: She stands about 5'4". Her skin is covered with soft iridescent scales so that when she moves her coloration changes in ripples. Her hands are basically normal, but her fingernails look like mother of pearl. Her eyes have no irises as such but tend to change color to reflect her moods. She has learned to control that so that they remain white regardless of what she feels, but strong emotions or other shocks may cause her to lose control. She also has a nictating membrane below her eyelid that she can use to magnify her vision to help her distinguish fine detail. Her ears are pierced. She has no hair anywhere on her body.

Cordelia's demon form:
    The form combines features from spiders, grasshoppers and praying mantises.  The form has a strong chitinous exoskeleton with interior re-enforcement.  In appearance, it obviously resembles a cross between a grasshopper and a praying mantis.  The spiderlike features are largely hidden until used.  These latter consist of the ability to spin webs and to maneuver using them and of a venomous bite.  The web is spun from the rear of the body and shaped by extra appendages there.  When the body walks a thread, it uses its front four legs and these appendages pretty much exclusively.  The body cannot be trapped in its own web, but that web can be used to snare others and is sticky.
    The hind end has grasshopper legs and wings.  The legs enable great leaps and give a good launch for deployment of the wings.  The wings themselves are hidden within the exoskeleton until it is time for their deployment, and their presence is not obvious.  Additionally, the skeleton protects them from damage prior to deployment.
    The front end of the body more closely resembles that of a praying mantis in terms of having appendages that are highly mobile and a head that pivots easily.  The entire upper torso can also pivot, but the joint is concealed within a thick part of the torso so that the join is not a narrow vulnerable spot.  This limits sideways mobility, but the joint can spin more than full circle and move up and down relative to the lower body.  The neck is less well protected but is still well armored.
    The venomous bite comes from the serrated jaws on the head.  The poison glands are within the head, but the venom drains into the jaws and is injected with the bite if Cordelia chooses.
    There is an additional atypical feature of the body.  Hydrogen is produced as a byproduct of the creation of protoweb material.  That hydrogen is stored in pockets in the upper body to provide extra buoyancy for flight.  This hydrogen can be expelled from nozzles at the ends of the long legs at the front of the body as flame.  This flame can be directed as an attack/defense or used for extra thrust during flight.  All of this means that the forelegs can move in just about any direction since the flame may be needed in any one of a multitude of places.

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