For centuries and centuries, And years upon years, The world has struggled, For an end to the tears, War has torn, the human race, Between good and evil, without mercy or grace, The pain of suffering, death and despair, Can be seen in the faces, of children everywhere. But pain does not come, from war or peace, Pain comes from others, whose kindness does cease, You need to think, about what you're doing, Not whether you, are winning or losing. Making fun of others, laughing at their misfortunes, It's all the same, it blows our differences out of proportion, We are all equal in God's own eyes, Yet why do we tell each other lies. We say we love, we say we hate, Yet what we do, is not what we say, And then we realize, when it's too late, That for what we do, others pay. The consequences of our actions, words, thoughts and feelings, We never realize, in all of our dealings Thus we must look, to the heavens above, To the one who sacrificed Himself, so that we could see His love His love is what we should reflect to others, His love is greater than father's or mother's, His love is what has kept us alive, His love is what we should never try to hide So before you treat others, in a harsh and unkind way, Just remember the One, who died so we could live another day, Be thankful for having a Friend like Jesus, And be sure to treat others, like He treats us. Albert Kim