Previous Requests...

Request on 6/13/01 by me...

For all of my friends, that they may have a great summer...

Request on 6/12/01 by me...

For all those DKAY youth who are leaving, that they may be a blessing wherever they go, i.e. Ken, Gloria, John, and Erica. (so far) Soon to come are Jukes, Andrew, and Lucy.

Request on 6/9/01 by me...

For the family of Maria Roos, who passed away, she was attending Andrews University, and was a friend of Elizabeth's.

Request on 1/9/01 by Thomas Zoldos...

He has experienced an immense amount of pain for six months, but the doctors do not yet know what it is. He asks that you pray for his faith and his health in this trying time.

Request on 11/14/00 by me...

For Joe and his finals (yes, he's trimester)

Request on 11/12/00 by Andy Park...

For his three exams, two quizzes, and two papers this week, wow...

Request on 11/7/00 by me...

For Elisa Moore's family and friends, as we cope with her death...

Request on 11/3/00 by Jukes Namm...

For Elizabeth, Mary, Rebecca, and Josh Chung's mother, who isn't feeling well...

Request on 10/12/00 by Alefiyah Mesiwala...

Its a big weekend for her, 10 page paper and an exam...and a friend coming...

Request on 10/6/00 by Young Mi An...

For school and her college applications, that God may lead her to the right college...

Request on 10/3/00 by me...

For Beth Rice and Jennifer Chen, who both have their first Calc 1. exams tomorrow, and Beth has exams on Thurs. and Fri. too...

Request on 9/30/00 by me...

For the Ann Arbor Presbyterian Church youth pastor, who lost his wife and two children (one survived) in a car accident last week...

Request on 9/29/00 by Jean Lee...

She asks for her father and mother's health, and also for her own personal crisis that she's going through...

Request on 9/28/00 by Hyun Min Kim...

In Korea, ACTS2000 (Adventist Commission Through Satellite by the year 2000) is from 29 SEP through 8 OCT. Pastor Mark Finley will be the speaker, and his sermon will go LIVE throughout the country in over 400 churches by satellite! Please pray for the speaker and the congregation as well. We are expecting at least 5000 new born souls through this ACTS2000. Click here to go to the Adventist Homepage!

Request on 9/27/00...

Campus HOPE kicks off next week, and I ask that you pray for all the team leaders, and all of the people in the teams, as we look to make a difference on campus.

A special request for 9/24/00...

Dr. Pipim, and all of the Adventist Students for Christ (ASC) of U of M ask that you pray for Dr. Willard, as he looks to sell his property and use the money to invest in God's work...and donate some to the Campus Ministry program here...

On 9/22/00, Jean Lee requested that you pray for...

All the poor, the sick, the unfortunate people that you hear about and see every day will be taken care of, especially with the cold weather coming up.


She's in her first year of college, and the workload is getting pray that she can get through it, and enjoy the rest of the year.

Sean Kim requested that you pray for...

His family, and himself, in that he hopes he has the right motive in doing this, to ask to do well in school.

Laura Park requested that you pray for...

Her freshman year in college, her parents, and also most importantly, something that she's been trying to make a decision on the last few days.

On 9/18/00, I requested that you pray for...

Andrew Chung and family, especially his sister-in-law and niece...his brother passed away last weekend.


John Jones's father passed away Friday, due to complications (cardiac arrest) during his liver transplant operation. I ask that you include him and his family in your prayers.