Samples of Painting from Fernando Enterprises, Sri Lanka

I just received some figures painted by Fernando Enterprises in Sri Lanka and I wanted to show them off to folks who might want to use this service.  With postage both ways and standard painting price ($1.50), the cost is about $2.00 per figure.  This requires shipping of a couple hundred figures at a time for the low cost per figure postage.  Some of the personality figures were done to a higher standard at $3.50 for painting.   Below are just samples of each group.  Most of the Chinese and Russian foot are in 20 man units, the cavalry are 10.   These are Copplestone and Pulp Figures with a few others mixed in for variety.



Student Militia


Chinese Warlord Troops in various color uniforms. 


The "official" machine gun shooter is to right of gun, but I like to use the fellow having his lunch. J






I wanted a cavalry unit with both mounted and dismounted figures, and with a variety of weapons.



Here are various personality figures.






Elite Russians


More Russians



Now for something completely different.  These are all MiniFig Napoleonics I've had since the 1980's.  I played Column Line and Square then, with 32 man Prussian units, 36 French, 44 British Guard, etc.  Big battalions.  I thought I might paint these when I retired but why wait when I can send to Fernando's.  I have been able to double my forces and now plan to play the old CLS again.





These are Foundry Crimean War Greeks that I thought would make perfect Greek Light Infantry in British Service.



This is how the figures are packed.  In single figure bags and then in small well padded boxes, into a large very well protected box.



Last but not least, a couple of Bears for a Hordes of the Thing army.