Browse some movies of my India Trip. You need Quicktime to View These.
They average 3-10 MB.

A brief Jaunt in Holland and Germany before India
My first day in India, touring the streets in Dehli.
Some Scenes of Pune Streetlife (I spent most of my time in Pune, where the wedding was)
The Wedding! A compilation of the day before and the day of.
Yes, Animals Do Roam around the Streets (and yes, that is a goat in a taxi cab at the end).
And, yes, there are Elephants as well.
Attending Christmas Eve Mass in Dehli

Finally, a rendition of the Hindi Song I sang at Hirak's wedding. It was quite fun singing and playing guitar in front of 400 people. Please, gentle reader, forgive my guitar hacking and deep monotonic voice. The song was my best wishes gift to Hirak (the groom).  It's a famous song from the Bollywood Movie "Sholay." Lyrics and translation are here. I also sang "Rang Barse" and "Tennessee Stud" by Johnny Cash.

And, a view of desolate Ann Arbor when I returned. I had more of a culture shock coming back to Ann Arbor than going to India. Ann Arbor is a college town, and the town is deathly still in that "dead zone" between Christmas and New Year's. After coming from hot, populated, alive India, I came home to a town where you would be the only car on the road and you felt like someone had just installed posh shocks....