
Real Life First Name: Tim
Age: Where x = age : 21 < x < 54 .. making me a prime target for marketeers and divorced women. (Who's your daddy?)
Gender: Male
Email Address: tjp014@hotmail.com
Poker Account Number: #111 (suspended)
My all-time Favorite Movie is: I have too many faves...Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back maybe..
The best TV show I watch is:24
The last book I read was:Lord of the Rings
Favorite type of music or musical group: Something with a good beat you can dance to...:)
For my last meal, I would definitely eat: Southern Fried Chicken with all the fixin'
Favorite type of pet: Fish? (cant exactly pet 'em)
The best subject in school is: Mathematics
If I was reincarnated as an animal, I would be: Something with wings or something that can run real fast... (no not an ostrich!)
My favorite board game is: Stratego (against a human player, the computer really sucks)
The fool-proof way of getting rid of the hiccups is: Is there one?
The best thing to do during lag is: Ripping people wasting bandwith saying "this lag sucks"
Cooliest "Muppet": Rolph (cause he was also a character on the Jimmy Dean show)
Favorite thing to chew on: Pizza (no anchovies please)
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound (Y/N)?: Actually the tree says "Thanks for the philosophical tidbit.."
What is your favorite blue food?: Blue MnMs I suppose.. do drinks count? If so, Romulan Ale.
How did you find out about Undernet Poker?: Was playing on EFNet and Gonz and MacMan told me "Come downstairs."
If you could be any card in the deck, which would you be?: That one with all the rules on it (or the advertisement one).. they stay nice and crisp from non-use.
Who is your hero?: Any mother or father who thinks raising kids is an important responsibility.
How many hours a day do you play Undernet Poker?:ZERO, alas Xdot is retired!
What is your favorite participant sport?: Hockey!
A quote you could live by is: What Wee Willie Keeler (old-time baseball player) said: "I'd rather be lucky than good."