The Year of 1947

January: London Round Table Conference reopens.
February: Arab delegates and Jewish Agency reject proposal.  Bevin announces British submission of Palestine problem to United Nations.
March: Arab League blames Britain and US for deteriorating situation in Palestine.
April: UN General Assembly special session on Palestine problem leads to appointment of eleven-member Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP).
Stern Gang claims responsibility for letter bombs addressed to leading British government officials in London.
Haganah terrorist attack on Palestinian orange grower's house near Tel Aviv kills twelve occupants including mother and six children.
September: Publication of UNSCOP report and announces the end of Palestinian mandate.Arab League rejects UNSCOP partition
October: Jewish Agency and US announces acceptance of partition.
November: UN General Assembly voted on UNSCOP partition plan and passed by 33 to 13 votes with 10 abstentions.  Arab representatives walk out of assembly.
December:Haganah launches Plan Gimmel, designed to destabilize Palestinian population and occupy strategic positions in country.

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