My research makes use of findings from design methodology, computer science, and cognitive psychology, to suggest a scheme for creating Computer-Aided Architectural Design (CAAD) tools that are easier for architects to use. More specifically, I am concerned with improving the representations used by CAAD tools for design visualization and other tasks. I believe that CAAD systems can make use of better representations, to allow models and operations to correspond more closely to what architects are trying to model and how they wish to manipulate those models. In the dissertation, a representation scheme is proposed and tested by creating a partial implementation.


So, what's wrong with existing software for design? Software now is better and more widely used than ever before. It runs on faster, more powerful machines, and is capable of producing precise drawings and breathtaking models. But consider this testimonial, from an interview with a practicing architect:
I don't like the idea of using computers in design. I can't design using a mouse. I can't coordinate what I am doing by my hand with what I see on the screen. I find it very difficult to draw lines the same way we draw freehand sketches. Now, I have to use this system. Sometimes I think on a piece of paper and then put the drawing on the computer. I tried once to develop a new strategy of using this system in design. The result was rectilinear design. It was a very rigid design. I felt like [I was] designing with both my hands tied....I think it is my mind that is tied, rather than my hands. I can't function properly while using this system. (Sakr 1991, 119-120)

Many complaints like the one above are legitimate, not the product of technophobic paranoia. Cognitive psychologists note a number of interesting points:

It turns out that forcing a person to work with the wrong representations really can inhibit his performance, or, to put it more colorfully, tie his mind.

The quote above is now over 10 years old, but most CAAD systems still rely largely on the same representations that were used in 1991, which, in turn, were not so different from what was used in Sutherland's Sketchpad system in 1963 (Sutherland 1963). More advanced representations are now beginning to be put to use, but the transition is still incomplete, and many of the same problems persist.


Consider how most CAAD packages have traditionally made users describe what they wished to model: Now consider the sorts of things architects talk about when discussing their designs with each other. They speak of rearranging rooms, moving walls, adding porticoes or changing the shape of windows. They have developed a vocabulary of architectural terms, and although there is some disagreement about, for instance, whether a room has to have a ceiling or how wide a column can be before it becomes a pier, architects generally understand the terms of their jargon. They can use these terms to describe aspects of their designs, and other architects will understand what is meant. They can picture such elements in their mind, and know what effects the elements will likely have on the design.

Comparing these architectural elements to the sorts of things used in CAAD systems, we find a rather poor correlation. For instance, an architect might want to add a semi-circular window above an existing rectangular one. This might require eliminating a number of planes representing the wall and replacing them with new ones which leave open a semi-circular section. Or it may require creating half a cylinder, laying it down on its side, subtracting it from a wall model, and then adding whatever forms are necessary to represent the window itself. Or it might even require expressing the necessary transformations and set operations in terms of scripting language instructions for the computer to execute to generate the desired form. In any event, it requires a translation: a mapping of what is desired into the available elements and operators. Cognitive psychologists have found that such translations inhibit performance on concurrent tasks -- in this case, designing. At best, having to perform such translations means putting thoughts about lighting, R-values, architectural precedent, visual balance, degrees of privacy, and so forth on the back burner, in order to think about the proper means of constructing the desired window out of the available elements. At worst, it means deciding the effect isn't worth the effort, and changing the design to something easier to express in the software's terms.

Architecturally-Oriented Representations

In the past, there was some attempt to construct architecturally-oriented elements by assembling together the low-level graphical elements found in drafting and modelling software. This approach was taken in SoftDesk's Auto-Architect, as well as in the Refiner program I developed in my Master's thesis. However, this approach ran into trouble because it is difficult to express the characteristics of architectural elements (e.g., number of mullions, cross-section, R-value, or degrees of freedom at a connection) in terms of attributes associated with graphical elements.

More recently, commercial software like AutoCAD Architectural DeskTop, Microstation Triforma, and Revit has started using more architecturally-oriented elements. These are higher-level entities with their own stored parameters, not just complex collections of graphic primitives. Such elements are also found in home design software, like Broderbund's 3D Home Architect. In my opinion, these software packages represent an improvement over traditional graphically-oriented software, but they still do not take the idea as far as it should go.

As far as I am aware, this software does not take the idea of architecturally-oriented elements to the level of editable product-level components. It rarely attempts to associate data for analyses (structural, thermal, etc. analyses) with the elements. The designer's ability to create unusual high-level elements (e.g., highly sculptural stairs) is usually limited or non-existent--there is no "graceful degradation" from high-level architectural elements, through a hierarchy of increasingly general elements, to assemblages of graphic entities. Instead, there is usually a sharp distinction between architectural elements and graphical ones, with no attempt to bridge the gap or "cast" assemblages of graphic entities as anything more architectural.

Various research projects have also suggested or begun development of representations intended to be more architecturally oriented. Among these are ARCH:MODEL and GEDIT (Turner and Hall 1985), P3 (Khemlani, Timerman, Benne, and Kalay 1997), EDM (Eastman 1992; Eastman and Siabiris 1995), the M.E.R.O.DE. system described by Hendricx (1997), and systems proposed (but not implemented) by Mahalingam (1999) and Harfmann and his colleagues (Harfmann and Majkowski 1992; Harfmann and Chen 1993; Harfmann, Majkowski, and Chen, 1993). However, these representations also have shortcomings. Those that have been implmented typically rely heavily on "model correctness," that is, they utilize intricate networks of relationships between model elements that limit or prevent the representation's use in the design process. In fact, Khemlani (discussion on October 3, 1997) admits P3 is not really intended for the earliest stages of design, and Eastman (discussion on January 20, 2000) states that EDM is intended more as a format for a central database or an interlingua than as a representation for a design tool. The unimplemented systems sound promising, but do not fully explain many implementation issues, like how reliant they are on model correctness or how they model joints and relations between elements. Of all the representations described in the surveyed literature, only Harfmann's seriously addresses the duality between conceptual elements (e.g., "wall") and the product-level elements (e.g., "stud") that comprise them. Thus, the architectural representations described in the research literature, like those in commercial software, have significant shortcomings.


A goal in user interface design is to create a "transparent" interface--to let the user interact with his work, not with the program. In general, the better the mappings (between goals and available operators, between actual and perceived system states, etc.) the better the interface (see Norman 1988, 199). In my dissertation, I propose supplementing more primitive modelling elements with what I call "protean" (meaning "readily changing") elements, in order to improve the mapping between what the user wants to do and how he must do it, and to make interfaces for CAAD systems more transparent.

Protean elements are high-level, architecturally-oriented elements corresponding to things like walls, windows, columns, moldings, and so forth. They have characteristics that are appropriate for such elements, like width, starting and ending points, rough opening sizes, or a circuit describing cross-section. These characteristics are explicitly stored, so that they can be modified later, and they have default values for situations where the architect is considering an element but is not ready to specify every detail of it.

In order to test the idea of using protean elements, a test implementation, called Proteus, was constructed (figure 1). Object-oriented programming fit the concept of protean elements extremely well, so Visual C++ was used for the implementation. Among the issues explored in this test implementation are the basic operational organization, handling of joints between elements, de-emphasis of model correctness, and the ability to integrate tools for analysis with the visualization tool.

Figure 1--A screen shot from the test implementation.

Basic Operational Organization

The first issues to be addressed in Proteus concerned its basic operational organization. A model in Proteus is treated as consisting primarily of a list of elements. In addition, there is a list of components that are used in some way (e.g., as operands in a Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG), or as a cross-section to extrude) to help define other elements, but are not parts of the model directly.

Protean elements themselves are implemented as classes in a C++ application. Each class (one for walls, one for floors, one for columns, one for rooms, etc.) has parameters sufficient to describe an instance of that particular class. These variables are able to affect topology, representing an improvement over simple parametric shapes. Each element class also has member functions describing behavior for the class: how to put up a dialog box for specifying parameters, how to generate the graphical representation of the element based on its parameters, how to store itself in a file, and how to perform any functions unique to that particular class (like the way that a room might seek out walls to align itself to, if the user initiates such a command).

Since protean elements are not simple graphic entities, they can not be directly drawn by a computer. Therefore, each protean element produces a polyhedral representation of itself, which is then drawn using libraries of graphics code originally developed in the 70's and 80's for GEDIT software at the University of Michigan. A display list is kept, linking each protean element to what appears on the screen, so that elements can be selected from screen clicks.

Joints Between Elements

It has been said that architecture is about more than just elements, it is about how elements are put together. Compositional aesthetics (which I believe should be left to the designer) aside, special conditions and considerations often concern joints where elements are put together. Structural analyses are greatly affected by the types of connections (pinned, rigid, etc.) between elements. Special elements (e.g. moldings) or treatments (e.g. quoins) often exist at corners or joints.

There are many possible ways that joints might be handled by CAAD software. They might be handled as elements, or as attributes of other elements. They might be handled as binary joints, involving exactly two elements coming together, or multi-element joints, involving any number of elements coming together. They might modify the elements incoming to the joint, or not. They might have constraints associated with them, or not. Some of the software created for research purposes addresses the issue of how to treat joints, but there is no clear consensus on it. Proteus explores one possible scheme for handling joints, attempting to do so with a minimum of user intervention and model correctness being involved.

De-emphasis of Model Correctness

The conventional wisdom on CAAD representation is that "correctness" of CAAD models must be maintained. Models can't be sloppy. Rooms must be disjoint; every point on the interior of a building (except, perhaps if it is in a wall or other building element) must be in exactly one room. Many argue that rooms should be enclosed by walls, and each wall should have a "left room" and a "right room," as is the case with software like P3, ARCH:MODEL and other programs. Some argue that building elements should not allowed to intersect. Others believe that constraints should limit how much one element can be moved (or whether it can be removed at all) with respect to another element.

One reason these restrictions are put in place is to facilitate analyses. Structural analyses are easier if each piece of floor has only one room bearing on it. Thermal analyses work better if a room actually has an envelope around it, without gaps in the envelope, or other rooms (and their associated heat loads) intersecting the room in question.

However, enforcing model correctness has unpleasant side effects. For example, when a strict room/wall relationship is enforced, moving a room can be difficult, because rooms are tied to walls, which are in turn tied to other rooms. Another side effect is that every closet must be defined as a room. Another is that in plans where two rooms are not separated by a wall, the user must define an "invisible" or "zero-thickness" wall between them, for the sake of completing the room definitions. Such side effects contradict the intended spirit of protean elements, which is to match an architect's mental representations as closely as possible, to give the user control, and to avoid pestering the user for information.

Proteus explores the idea that such strictness might not be necessary. As an example of how to avoid such strictness, software can be written so as to consider all overlapping rooms bearing on a given piece of floor, and choose the one with the largest floor load. (Alternately, the software could be written so as to handle the situation by considering more than one load case.) As another example, architects are probably unlikely to perform a thermal analysis on a room that is not completely enclosed, but if they decide to do it, they should not be surprised if the analysis indicates a significant heat loss. Analysis software (or functions which output data for use in analysis software) could probably be written so as to warn the user when such situations were found, and then either do the analysis anyway, or ignore "bad" data.

Ability to Integrate Analyses

According to Rosch (1978) and Lakoff (1987) things in the same mental category tend to share perceptual features and functional characteristics. For instance,
...given an actor with the motor programs for sitting, it is a fact of the perceived world that objects with the perceptual attributes of chairs are more likely to have functional sit-on-able-ness than objects with the appearance of cats (Rosch 1978, 313).
This suggests that there should be some correlation between architectural elements in a visualization tool and functional characteristics. It should be possible to associate data for analyses (of structure, lighting, acoustics, thermal performance, cost, etc.) with protean elements. In the test implementation, this possibility is explored by attempting to extract structural data (for a finite element analysis) from a model made of protean elements.

Implementation and Outcomes

In the course of this dissertation, I first developed a familiarity with research literature concerning cognitive resources, development of expertise, and mental representation, particularly as it relates to architectural design. Based on this research literature, I developed a set of guidelines for CAAD representations for architectural design. This was presented at ACADIA '97 (in Cincinnati), in a paper titled, "What's in a Representation, Why do We Care, and What Does It Mean? Examining Evidence from Psychology."

I then began developing a test implementation based on these guidelines. Preliminary results from this test implementation were discussed in a paper delivered at ACADIA '98 (in Quebec) in a paper titled, "Making Models Architectural: Protean Representations to Fit Architects' Minds." This paper described the basic organization of Proteus, including the types of information and functions associated with protean elements, and the scheme for achieving a complete library of elements by including a spectrum of elements from "standard" element types, through process-oriented elements like solids of revolution, to the ultimate safety-net class, the CSG. As reported in the paper, no significant barriers were encountered that would indicate that the basic approach was unsound.

Further development of Proteus more deeply examines joints, minimal model correctness (particularly where rooms and walls are concerned), and extraction/abstraction of data for analyses.

Effects of Joints as Elements

In Proteus, joints are handled as elements of an unusual type. Each joint has, among other parameters, pointers to the two elements incoming to the joint, a location (indicating where the elements come together), and a style of structural connection (e.g., "pinned). Each non-joint element has a list of pointers to its joints.

Since the number of joints in a model is almost certainly several times larger than the number of non-joint elements, no sane user would want to have to specify data for very many of them. Therefore, joints are generated automatically whenever two elements come together, and destroyed if that situation ever changes. The user only needs to deal with joints if for some reason, he or she has an interest in the joint. This can happen if the user needs to specify information about the type of connection used at a structural joint, prior to performing a structural analysis.

The approach seems to work reasonably well in Proteus. The automated maintenance of joints seems to work as intended. Furthermore, joints are involved in a number of important operations, including aligning rooms to walls when initiated by a user, and extraction of structural data.

Getting By with Minimal Model Correctness

Proteus was implemented with very few concessions to model correctness. Certain values have to be checked for validity, e.g., "KjvH9&" is not a valid wall height. Windows and doors, if implemented, would probably have to be components of a wall. But other than these examples, there are few cases where Proteus will reject input as bad. Elements are allowed to collide and intersect. Anomalously large or small values are allowed, e.g., wall thicknesses of 10' or 0.01". Proteus assumes that the user has some knowledge of architecture, and does not attempt to overrule the architect's input.

Furthermore, decisions about how elements are used in design are generally left to the user. For example, nothing dictates that a "wall" must be only one story tall, or that it necessarily stops at an intersection with another wall. If the user wants to think of the entire front facade of a building as being a single "wall," regardless of the fact that there may be five stories of offices immediately behind the wall, with 10 offices per floor, this is accommodated. Letting the architect think of the design in the terms he or she wishes is considered to be of paramount importance.

As part of the de-emphasis of model correctness, there is no strict room/wall relationship in Proteus. A room does not have to be bounded by walls, nor a wall by rooms. Rooms can overlap; walls can overlap; rooms can overlap walls; space on the floor plan is not necessarily allocated to a room.

However, since rooms might play a role in certain analyses (by virtue of the lighting requirements, heat loads, or floor loads associated with a room), the user may want to have a room align itself with walls. Aligning a room to existing walls is not trivial. This is particularly true in Proteus, since walls do not necessarily form closed circuits: the perimeter of a room may follow walls for the most part, but also jump short gaps between walls and/or columns. However, when the user initiates such an operation, Proteus is able to identify room boundaries through a combination of ray-casting (to find nearby walls and columns that might help define a perimeter) and chaining together of wall segments into chains and circuits of walls. It is not a perfect algorithm (note that even an architect may be confused about room boundaries in certain ambiguous situations), but it makes a very good guess as to the intended room boundaries, and the user can correct the rare errors that do occur.

The dissertation also describes an algorithm for applying room loads to floors, based on geometries. In essence, rooms are projected downwards up to eight feet until a supporting floor surface is found. The largest room load bearing on any particular area of floor is used for structural calculations.

These investigations lead me to believe that software can function in an acceptable and even preferable manner without rigid maintenance of model correctness. Of course, allowing the user this sort of flexibility has costs in terms of the programming that must be done in order to compensate. This is discussed in a later section of this web page.

Abstraction: Why Integrating Data for Analyses into a Visualization Model is Going to Be Harder than We Thought

Integrating data for visualization and analyses has been a goal in CAAD research for decades. It was also a goal in the work on protean elements. Results from the test implementation indicate that this is possible, but it is not as easy as it was initially thought.

A detailed protean element for a beam would have information about a "start point" and "end point," as well as information about its cross-section, moment of inertia, material, and so forth. In addition, a model comprised of protean elements also has information about joints between elements, including (for structural joints) the type of connection involved (fixed, pinned, or roller). Since this is precisely the sort of information needed for a structural analysis, it would appear that a relatively straightforward extraction of structural data should be possible.

However, it turns out that the problem is not that simple. This is because the data for a structural analysis involves an abstraction of the design. For example, in reality, the centerlines of joists and beams supporting a floor are generally not coplanar (figure 2). Yet, they are treated as such in a structural analysis. This can involve treating a structural member as if it is located a foot or more from its actual location. What is more, one structural member can not be abstracted without taking into consideration the rest of the structural system. Other situations can occur where abstraction involves moving an element, or even creating new, essentially fictitious elements to connect structural members that touch, but whose centerlines are skew (figure 3).

Figure 2-- Centerlines of joists and beams in a floor system are usually not truly coplanar (left), but they are usually abstracted to treat them as if they are. This can involve the abstraction of an element being located a foot or more from the actual element (right), and this abstraction can not be made based solely on the element itself-- other elements in the model must be considered.

Figure 3-- Sometimes, elements in a structure are connected, but skew. In some of these situations, neither element can be repositioned to meet the other, without damaging the accuracy of the analysis. An abstraction of the situation may need to add a semi-fictitious element to connect them.

It is likely that other analyses (thermal, acoustic, etc.) likewise require abstractions. What is more, they likely require different abstractions, complicating the matter. For instance, a wall height used in a structural analysis would likely be different from a wall height for an acoustic analysis, where the effective wall surface would end at a suspended ceiling.

These abstraction processes are fairly easy for a human to perform with relatively little practice, but they are difficult to codify algorithmically. Fortunately, abstraction does not occur in a haphazard manner, it seems to follow certain principles. For instance, in structures, joists, beams, and girders belonging to the same floor system (or roof system) are "adjusted" to be coplanar, but members of different floor systems or members of a truss are not. Because of this, an algorithmic abstraction is possible, though not trivial. In Proteus, code was written to abstract protean elements into finite elements for a structural analysis, but it was not a simple process of exporting stored data, as was first thought.


A test implementation is generally built to test an approach and identify its strengths and weaknesses. The intended functionality (with regards to general operation, behavior and use of joints, integration of data for analyses, etc.) was generally achieved in Proteus. However, some observers might criticize protean elements based on implmentation difficulties, the overhead involved with allowing "incorrect" models, or protean elements' failure to handle emergent shapes gracefully. Thoughts on these topics are discussed below.

Implementation Difficulties

Without question, protean elements are difficult to implement. Years of time and over 25,000 lines of C++ code (not to mention tens of thousands of lines of Fortran and C++ code that my advisor, Jim Turner, had already created for other purposes) went into Proteus, which was only a limited test implementation. Most likely, a relatively complete drafting or solid modelling program, based on conventional elements, could have been written in that time. So one can legitimately ask, if protean elements take so long to implement, will software companies want to take such an approach in the CAAD software they develop? The answer remains to be seen, but I think two factors support protean elements.

First, the upper limit of what can be done with graphical and solid elements has probably already been reached. New graphical and solid entities can be added, interface details can be improved, more scripts and macros can be added, and so forth, but these are not fundamental improvements, and the point of diminishing returns has probably been reached. Any significant improvements, i.e., improvements that architects are likely to want to spend money on, will likely require a change of the underlying representations used. In fact, this switch is already starting to appear, with programs like AutoCAD Architectural DeskTop, MicroStation Triforma, and Revit.

Second, it appears that after implementation of a few (20-30) basic level element classes, implementation of protean elements gets easier. The class with the largest number of member functions is CElement, the parent class for all other element classes. Classes for walls, rooms, columns, beams, floors, joints between elements, etc. also require quite a lot of programming, in order to ensure proper output for analyses, proper creation and maintenance of product-level components, and other desirable behavior. However, subclasses require fewer distinct member functions. For instance, a Corinthian column, a round column, and a square column can all use essentially the same code for abstracting their structural data (i.e., functions associated with their parent class).

Are "Incorrect" Models Worth the Effort?

A previous section described how Proteus is made to work without strict rules governing how elements are used and arranged. However, this functionality requires a significant effort on the part of the programmer. Furthermore, some might question the value of the freedom conferred by allowing "incorrect" models to be built. While certain editing operations are made easier, and the model is allowed to correspond more closely to the way that the architect probably thinks about the design, the approach taken in Proteus also has some costs for the user. For instance, before doing a structural analysis, the user must semi-automatically (and occasionally manually) align walls and rooms.

Being from the field of architecture, I tend to emphasize ease of use for the user over ease for the programmer, hoping to create a better CAAD tool. However, at this point, some might consider the net benefits of de-emphasizing model correctness to be too minimal to justify the effort. While I tend to disagree, I must acknowledge that some points can be made in support of model correctness.

Emergent Shapes

Verstijnen and others (1998) have noted that "restructuring" a mental image, such as happens when a person notices an emergent shape that had not been seen before, tends to require a visual aid; humans do not seem to be very good at restructuring purely mental images. Verstijnen and others cite the need for CAAD systems to allow "flexible switching between various structural descriptions of the input after its creation" (Verstijnen and others 1998, 542-543). Protean elements do not support this very well.

For example, imagine that an architect has modelled a long room, which is crossed at regular intervals by beams running across its width (figure 4). Then imagine that midway down the long sides of the room, under one of these beams, the architect decides to add a couple of walls, one projecting from each long sidewall like a fin. The result looks very much like a wall dividing the long room in half, pierced by a very large "doorway." But modelled out of protean elements, it will not act like a wall with a doorway, it will act like two walls and a beam. A user would have trouble making the "doorway" arched, or centering it in the "wall." One way around this might be to have some sort of command which could take coplanar walls and beams and redefine them as a single a wall element, but this would probably be an annoying operation from the user's perspective. It also might be difficult to implement all such functions, as it is unclear how many such redefinition functions would be needed.

Figure 4--Example of an emergent shape in architecture. A room is crossed by beams top left). Short lengths of wall are added along one of these beams (top right). The result looks very similar to a single wall with a large opening in it (bottom), however, the result will not behave like a single wall with an opening.

However, this problem of not being able to easily recognize emergent shapes is common to essentially all CAAD software. Getting around the problem might require software capable of recognizing high-level architectural elements out of low-level graphic elements. This is an entirely separate--and exceedingly difficult--research problem, which I am not currently prepared to investigate. Until it is solved, I think CAAD users will be forced to deal with software that does not handle emergent shapes elegantly.


Due to time constraints and the already overlarge scope of the dissertation, several issues relating to Protean elements are only minimally addressed in the dissertation. Among these are the handling of subclasses and the handling of product-level elements.

Handling Subclasses

A significant part of the concept of protean elements is that they are supposed to be gradually refinable. Not only is the user supposed to be able to change parameters entered earlier, but he or she is also supposed to be able to add new parameters to an element as details are added and the exact type of element becomes better resolved.

Protean elements are to facilitate this through the use of subclasses. For instance, once the user decides that a window should be a casement window, Proteus is supposed to create an instance of the casement window class to replace the earlier instance of a generic window class. The casement window is to have all the data fields of the parent, generic window class, with this data being copied over from the generic window. In addition, the casement window is to have new fields not found in the generic parent class, such as a parameter describing direction of swing. These parameters are to be specified (or assumed, based on defaults) when the window is specified to be a casement window.

The scheme for this was planned out, but implementing it was beyond the scope of this dissertation. Thus, I was unable to see how hard it would be to implement subclasses, and much new code would be required. It is likely, however, that each subclass would involve significantly less programming than each parent class.

Handling Product-Level Elements

Ultimately, architectural design involves actual building products. Actual studs, steel sections, windows, footings, and so forth must be specified by a practicing designer. Software which does not address this activity falls short of aiding the entire design process, and is unlikely to find a following in actual architecture offices.

A complete set of Protean elements would theoretically include product-level elements. When incorporated into a building model, these product-level elements would co-exist in space with any conceptual-level elements of which they were parts. Studs, for instance, would co-exist in space with the walls of which they were parts. When drawing the model, this duality would need to be addressed, so that a conceptual-level element and its product-level components would not both be drawn. A conceptual-level element would ordinarily provide a graphical description of itself, but if it had product-level components, it would need to provide their graphical descriptions, so that they would be drawn, instead. Extracting data for analyses would have to be handled in a similar manner.

However, none of this is implemented in Proteus at this point. Development of protean elements along these lines remains theoretical. One unexamined issue which might present some difficulty is the matter of how to modify a conceptual-level element when constituent parts are edited, and vice-versa.

Immediate Future

The issues explored in this dissertation are very interesting to me, and I will likely want to continue exploring them after I finish my Ph.D. I believe that the construction of test implementations like the one described here is invaluable for building better CAAD systems. I made interesting discoveries in the course of this work, and I hope to soon publish papers about them. In particular, I am anxious to publish an articles about model correctness and about the abstraction involved with extracting data for structural analyses from a general-purpose or visualization model.

However, building this test implementation has been a lot of work, and I think I might want to take a break from it after finishing my dissertation and publishing related papers. It might be a good time to begin examining representations for genetic algorithms.


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Last update: May 20, 2003
Scott Johnson (sven@umich.edu)