Many of these articles are available on the web, by following the links below.

Research Publications

Johnson, Scott, Peter von Buelow, and Patrick Tripeny. 2004.
Linking structural analyses and architectural data: Why it’s harder than we thought. In Fabrication: Examining the digital practice of architecture [ACADIA 2004 conference proceedings], eds. Phillip Beesley, Nancy Yen-Wen Cheng, and R. Shane Williamson, 230-243. Waterloo, Canada: University of Waterloo Press.
Johnson, Scott. 2004.
An exploration of protean elements as representations in a computer aid for design. Ph.D. diss., Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan.

Johnson, Scott. 1998(a).
Making models architectural: Protean representations to fit architects' minds. In Digital design studios: Do computers make a difference? [ACADIA 1998 conference proceedings], eds. Thomas Seebohm, and Skip Van Wyk, 354-365. Quebec City, Canada: Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture.

Johnson, Scott. 1998(b).
Toward making the language of CAAD match the language of architecture: A protean elements approach . In Computerised craftsmanship [eCAADe 1998 conference proceedings], 93-100. Paris, France: Education in Computer-Aided Architectural Design in Europe.

Johnson, Scott. 1998(c).
What's in a representation, why do we care, and what does it mean? Examining evidence from psychology. Automation in construction, 8, no. 1: 15-24.

Johnson, Scott. 1997.
What's in a representation, why do we care, and what does it mean? Examining evidence from psychology. In Representation and Design[ACADIA 1997 conference proceedings], eds. J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert, and Anton Harfmann, 5-15. Cincinnati, Ohio: Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture.

Jones, James, Kurt Brandle, Scott Johnson, and Craig Zehnder. 1993.
A hypermedia based energy management tool. In Conference proceedings for the international solar energy society annual meeting. Washington, D.C.

Johnson, Scott. 1990.
Demonstration of an abstract data type for gradual definition, refinement, and computer-graphic representation of architectural elements. M.Arch. thesis, Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University.

Columns and Other Publications

[Johnson, Scott]. 2006(a).
A tip for 3d novices: Producing birdseye views with the ORBIT command in AutoCAD. AEC CADCON Newsletter, May 2006: Tips and Tricks Section. Available on the World-Wide Web at .
  • This "Tips and Tricks" article described how to set up a bird's-eye view in AutoCAD 2006 and before by specifying a Z-rotation followed by an X-rotation. The article then described how the same task could be accomplished more easily using AutoCAD 2007 tools.

[Johnson, Scott]. 2006(b).
Tabulating area data in AutoCAD. AEC CADCON Newsletter article, formerly available from the AEC CADCON website, now available from the author.

[Johnson, Scott]. 2006(c).
Using DVIEW to get interior perspectives. AEC CADCON Newsletter article, formerly available from the AEC CADCON website, now available from the author.

[Johnson, Scott]. 2005.
The importance of building information. White paper, formerly available from the AEC CADCON website, now available from the author.

Johnson, Scott. 2002.
The slow and incremental 'revolution.' Journal of architectural education, 56, no. 2: 49-54.

Johnson, Scott, and Glenn Goldman. 2001.
Binary oppositions: Should an introduction to computing in architecture be taught as a separate course? ACADIA Quarterly, 20, no. 1: 3-5.

Johnson, Scott, and Brian Johnson. 2000.
Binary oppositions: Should designers learn to think differently in order to better utilize digital design tools? ACADIA Quarterly, 19, no. 4: 2-4.

Johnson, Scott, and Volker Mueller. 2000.
Binary oppositions: Are computers yet aids for design? ACADIA Quarterly, 19, no. 3: 4-6.

Johnson, Scott, and Ganapathy Mahalingam. 2000.
Binary oppositions: Will computers be able to design as well as human designers in the foreseeable future? ACADIA Quarterly, 19, no. 2: 21-23.

Johnson, Scott, and Mark Clayton. 2000.
Binary oppositions: Should buildings designed with a computer "look like" they were designed with a computer? ACADIA Quarterly, 19, no. 1: 19-21.

Johnson, Scott. 1999.
The argument against mandatory computer ownership. In Education column, ed. Murali Paranandi. ACADIA Quarterly 18, no. 1: 20.

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