Appendix E. - Plan for Technology Implementation
Montague Area Public Schools

Instructional Software Evaluation Factors

Most of the factors and suggested qualities of software listed below apply to instructional software for computers and other media (laserdisc). Many of these factors will not apply to information manipulation software (i.e. word processors, spreadsheets, databases, or other specialty use programs) typically used at a middle or high school level. Although some of the factors listed below may assist in choice of software for these purposes, specialty factors inherent to the specific use would apply more directly in the selection of such software.




Questioning Techniques


Evaluator's Field Test Results


Learner Control

Learning Objectives, Goals, and Outcomes



Teacher Modifiability

Evaluation and Record Keeping

Documentation and Support Material

Technical Quality

Start-Up and Implementation

Probeware and Peripherals Included in the Software Package

Hardware and Marketing Issues

Suggestions partially taken from Computers in the Schools: A Guide to Planning and Administration, by Anthony G. Picciano, New York: Macmillan Publishing, 1994

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