Land Use by Bus Routes, Detroit and Suburbs
Aerial Photos as Links

Jie Kang and Shu Zhangz

1.  SMART bus route network serves the entire Detroit Metropolitan region.

2.  DOT, in green, serves the City of Detroit; SMART routes are superimposed.

3.  Bus stops on both DOT and SMART are shown as red dots; the data base contains latitude and longitude of stops as well as infomation about them, such as whether or not there is a shelter.

4.  Stops only are shown below.  When stops are closely spaced, the dots appear to form a line.

5.  Stops are buffered below with circles 1/4 mile in radius (distance a person might easily walk to a bus stop).  Intersecting arcs of circles were removed.

6.  The bus stop buffer, only, is shown below.  It will be used as a cookie cutter on other maps.

7.  Land use maps from 1995 are available for the tri-county metro area (SEMCOG):  Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb counties.

8.  The bus stop buffer is superimposed on the set of three land use maps.

9.  The bus stop buffer is used as a cookie cutter to cut out land use along bus routes--regional view, below.

10.  Close-up view shows detail of land use along bus stops.  Thus, one can find commercial area along bus routes as well as residential or industrial areas.


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