1967 Timeline Leading up to the Six Day War

January 1967

February 1967

March 1967

April 1967

-Dogfights between Israel and Syria after border incidents at the Golan Heights. Following an attack on the Israeli Water carrier at the water pump at Kibbutz Misgav Am, Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister Levi Eshkol resolved that after the next act of belligerence, Israel would position armored tractors deep into the demilitarized zones, wait to be hit, and then fire back1. Enusing skirmishes led to a dogfight over the Golan Heights resulting in the loss of six Syrian aircraft and Israeli Air Forces strafing the Syrian capital.

May 1967

-Egyptian President Nasser declares "The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel . . . . to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations."
-Egypt expels UN peacekeeping forces from the Sinai Peninsula.
-Egypt closes the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping.

June 1967

-Israel Pre-emptively strikes Egypt in "Operation Focus."
-Egypt retreats from Sinai Peninsula.
-Israeli Defene Forces Paratroopers advance and capture East Jerusalem.