As Nuclear Secrets Emerge in Khan Inquiry, More Are Suspected

December 26, 2004

When experts from the United States and the International
Atomic Energy Agency came upon blueprints for a 10-kiloton
atomic bomb in the files of the Libyan weapons program
earlier this year, they found themselves caught between
gravity and pettiness. 

The discovery gave the experts a new appreciation of the
audacity of the rogue nuclear network led by A. Q. Khan, a
chief architect of Pakistan's bomb. Intelligence officials
had watched Dr. Khan for years and suspected that he was
trafficking in machinery for enriching uranium to make fuel
for warheads. But the detailed design represented a new
level of danger, particularly since the Libyans said he had
thrown it in as a deal-sweetener when he sold them $100
million in nuclear gear. 

"This was the first time we had ever seen a loose copy of a
bomb design that clearly worked," said one American expert,
"and the question was: Who else had it? The Iranians? The
Syrians? Al Qaeda?" 

But that threat was quickly overshadowed by smaller

The experts from the United States and the I.A.E.A., the
United Nations nuclear watchdog - in a reverberation of
their differences over Iraq's unconventional weapons -
began quarreling over control of the blueprints. The
friction was palpable at Libya's Ministry of Scientific
Research, said one participant, when the Americans accused
international inspectors of having examined the design
before they arrived. After hours of tense negotiation,
agreement was reached to keep it in a vault at the Energy
Department in Washington, but under I.A.E.A. seal. 

It was a sign of things to come. 

Nearly a year after Dr.
Khan's arrest, secrets of his nuclear black market continue
to uncoil, revealing a vast global enterprise. But the
inquiry has been hampered by discord between the Bush
administration and the nuclear watchdog, and by
Washington's concern that if it pushes too hard for access
to Dr. Khan, a national hero in Pakistan, it could
destabilize an ally. As a result, much of the urgency has
been sapped from the investigation, helping keep hidden the
full dimensions of the activities of Dr. Khan and his

There is no shortage of tantalizing leads. American
intelligence officials and the I.A.E.A., working
separately, are still untangling Dr. Khan's travels in the
years before his arrest. Investigators said he visited 18
countries, including Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, on what
they believed were business trips, either to buy materials
like uranium ore or sell atomic goods. 

In Dubai, they have scoured one of the network's front
companies, finding traces of radioactive material as well
as phone records showing contact with Saudi Arabia. Having
tracked the network operations to Malaysia, Europe and the
Middle East, investigators recently uncovered an outpost in
South Africa, where they seized 11 crates of equipment for
enriching uranium. 

The breadth of the operation was particularly surprising to
some American intelligence officials because they had had
Dr. Khan under surveillance for nearly three decades, since
he began assembling components for Pakistan's bomb, but
apparently missed crucial transactions with countries like
Iran and North Korea. 

In fact, officials were so confident they had accurately
taken his measure, that twice - once in the late 1970's and
again in the 1980's - the Central Intelligence Agency
persuaded Dutch intelligence agents not to arrest Dr. Khan
because they wanted to follow his trail, according to a
senior European diplomat and a former Congressional
official who had access to intelligence information. The
C.I.A. declined to comment. 

"We knew a lot," said a nuclear intelligence official, "but
we didn't realize the size of his universe." 

President Bush boasts that the Khan network has been
dismantled. But there is evidence that parts of it live on,
as do investigations in Washington and Vienna, where the
I.A.E.A. is based. 

Cooperation between the United Nations atomic agency and
the United States has trickled to a near halt, particularly
as the Bush administration tries to unseat the I.A.E.A.
director general, Mohamed ElBaradei, who did not support
the White House's prewar intelligence assessments on Iraq. 

The chill from the White House has blown through Vienna.
"I can't remember the last time we saw anything of a
classified nature from Washington," one of the agency's
senior officials said. Experts see it as a missed
opportunity because the two sides have complementary
strengths - the United States with spy satellites and
covert capabilities to intercept or disable nuclear
equipment, and the I.A.E.A. with inspectors who have access
to some of the world's most secretive atomic facilities
that the United States cannot legally enter. 

In the 11 months since Dr. Khan's partial confession,
Pakistan has denied American investigators access to him.
They have passed questions through the Pakistanis, but
report that there is virtually no new information on
critical questions like who else obtained the bomb design.
Nor have American investigators been given access to Dr.
Khan's chief operating officer, Buhari Sayed Abu Tahir, who
is in a Malaysian jail. 

This disjunction has helped to keep many questions about
the network unanswered, including whether the Pakistani
military was involved in the black market and what other
countries, or nonstate groups, beyond Libya, Iran and North
Korea, received what one Bush administration official
called Dr. Khan's "nuclear starter kit" - everything from
centrifuge designs to raw uranium fuel to the blueprints
for the bomb. 

Privately, investigators say that with so many mysteries
unsolved, they have little confidence that the illicit
atomic marketplace has actually been shut down. "It may be
more like Al Qaeda," said one I.A.E.A. official, "where you
cut off the leadership but new elements emerge." 

A Potential Danger 

A. Q. Khan may have been unknown to
most Americans when he was revealed about a year ago as the
mastermind of the largest illicit nuclear proliferation
network in history. But for three decades Dr. Khan, a
metallurgist, has been well known to British and American
intelligence officials. Even so, the United States and its
allies passed up opportunities to stop him - and apparently
failed to detect that he had begun selling nuclear
technology to Iran in the late 1980's. It was the opening
transaction for an enterprise that eventually spread to
North Korea, Libya and beyond. 

Dr. Khan studied in Pakistan and Europe. After he secured a
job in the Netherlands in the early 1970's at a plant
making centrifuges - the devices that purify uranium -
Dutch intelligence officials began watching him. By late
1975, they grew so wary, after he was observed at a nuclear
trade show in Switzerland asking suspicious questions, that
they moved him to a different area of the company to keep
him away from uranium enrichment work. "There was an
awareness," said Frank Slijper of the Dutch Campaign
against Arms Trade, who recently wrote a report on Dr.
Khan's early days, "that he was a potential danger." 

Dr. Khan suddenly left the country that December, called
home by his government for its atomic project. Years later,
investigators discovered that he had taken blueprints for
the centrifuges with him. In Pakistan, Dr. Khan was working
to develop a bomb to counter India's, and Washington was
intent on stopping the project. 

It later proved to be the first of several occasions when
the United States failed to fully understand what Dr. Khan
was up to. Joseph Nye, a Harvard professor who has served
in several administrations, said American intelligence
agencies thought Pakistan would try to make its bomb by
producing plutonium - an alternative bomb fuel. Mr. Nye was
sent to France to halt the shipment of technology that
would have enabled Pakistan to complete a reprocessing
plant for the plutonium fuel. "We returned to Washington to
celebrate our victory, only to discover that Khan had
already stolen the technology for another path to the
bomb," Mr. Nye recalled. 

To gather more atomic gear and skill, Dr. Khan returned to
the Netherlands repeatedly. But the United States wanted to
watch him, and a European diplomat with wide knowledge of
nuclear intelligence cited the two occasions when the
C.I.A. persuaded the Dutch authorities not to arrest him.
Intelligence officials apparently felt Dr. Khan was more
valuable as an unwitting guide to the nuclear underworld. 

"The Dutch wanted to arrest him," the diplomat said. "But
they were told by the American C.I.A., 'Leave him so we can
follow his trail.' " 

A Chinese Connection 

Dr. Khan quickly led the agents to Beijing. It was there in
the early 1980's that Dr. Khan pulled off a coup: obtaining
the blueprints for a weapon that China had detonated in its
fourth nuclear test, in 1966. The design was notable
because it was compact and the first one China had
developed that could easily fit atop a missile. 

American intelligence agencies only learned the full
details of the transactions earlier this year when the
Libyans handed over two large plastic bags with the names
of an Islamabad tailor on one side and a dry-cleaner on
other - one of several clues that it had come from the Khan
Laboratories. The design inside included drawings of more
than 100 parts, all fitting in a sphere about 34 inches in
diameter, just the right size for a rocket. 

Equally remarkable were the handwritten notations in the
margins. "They made reference to Chinese ministers,
presumably involved in the deal," one official who reviewed
it disclosed. And there was also a reference to "Munir,"
apparently Munir Khan, Dr. Khan's rival who ran the
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission and was in a contest with
Dr. Khan to put together a Pakistani weapon that would
match India's. 

In that race, size was critical, because only a small
weapon could be put atop Pakistani missiles. One note in
the margin of the design, the official said, was that
"Munir's bomb would be bigger." 

Intelligence experts believe that Dr. Khan traded his
centrifuge technology to the Chinese for their bomb design.

A certain familiarity developed between Dr. Khan and those
watching him. 

"I remember I was once in Beijing on a nonproliferation
mission," said Robert J. Einhorn, a longtime proliferation
official in the State Department, "and we knew that Khan
was in Beijing, too, and where he was. I had this fantasy
of going over to his hotel, calling up to his room, and
inviting him down for a cup of coffee." 

Of course, he never did. But if he had, Dr. Khan might not
have been surprised. 

Simon Henderson, a London-based author who has written
about Dr. Khan for more than two decades, said the
Pakistani scientist long suspected he was under close
surveillance. "Khan once told me, indignantly, 'The British
try to recruit members of my team as spies,' " Mr.
Henderson recalled. "As far as I'm aware, he was penetrated
for a long, long time." 

Still, for all the surveillance, American officials always
seemed a step or two behind. In the 1990's, noted Mr.
Einhorn, the assumption was that Iran was getting most of
its help from Russia, which was providing the country with
reactors and laser-isotope technology. Virtually no
attention was paid to its contacts with Dr. Khan. 

"It was a classic case of being focused in the wrong
place," Mr. Einhorn said. "And if Iran gets the bomb in the
next few years, it won't be because of the Russians. It
will be because of the help they got from A. Q. Khan." 

Triumph and Mystery 

As soon as Mr. Bush came to office,
his director of central intelligence, George J. Tenet,
began tutoring him on the dangers of Dr. Khan and
disclosing how deeply the agency believed it had penetrated
his life and network. "We were inside his residence, inside
his facilities, inside his rooms," Mr. Tenet said in a
recent speech. "We were everywhere these people were." 

But acting on the Khan problem meant navigating the
sensitivities of a fragile ally important in the effort
against terrorism. That has impeded the inquiry ever since.

Washington had little leverage to force Pakistan's
president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, to clamp down on a
national hero, especially since Dr. Khan may have had
evidence implicating the Pakistani government in some of
the transactions. And in interviews, officials said they
feared that moving on Dr. Khan too early would hurt their
chances to roll up the network. 

Stephen J. Hadley, the deputy national security adviser,
went to Pakistan soon after the Sept. 11 attacks and raised
concerns about Dr. Khan, some of whose scientists were said
to have met with Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda's leader. But
Mr. Hadley did not ask General Musharraf to take action,
according to a senior administration official. He returned
to Washington complaining that it was unclear whether the
Khan Laboratories were operating with the complicity of the
Pakistani military, or were controlled by freelancers,
motivated by visions of profit or of spreading the bomb to
Islamic nations. The Pakistanis insisted they had no
evidence of any proliferation at all, a claim American
officials said they found laughable. 

As evidence grew in 2003, Mr. Bush sent Mr. Tenet to New
York to meet with General Musharraf. "We were afraid Khan's
operation was entering a new, more dangerous phase," said
one top official. Still there was little action. 

But in late October 2003, the United States and its allies
seized the BBC China, a freighter bearing centrifuge parts
made in Malaysia, along with other products of Dr. Khan's
network, all bound for Libya. Confronted with the evidence,
Libya finally agreed to surrender all of its nuclear
program. Within weeks, tons of equipment was being
dismantled and flown to the Energy Department's nuclear
weapons lab at Oak Ridge, Tenn. 

Pressures mounted on General Musharraf. "I said to him, 'We
know so much about this that we're going to go public with
it,' " Secretary of State Colin L. Powell told journalists
last week. " 'And you need to deal with this before you
have to deal with it publicly.' " 

On television, Dr. Khan was forced to confess but he gave
no specifics, and General Musharraf pardoned the scientist.
American officials pressed to interview him and his chief
lieutenant, Mr. Tahir, a Sri Lankan businessman living in
Dubai and Malaysia, who was eventually arrested by
Malaysian authorities. 

But the Pakistanis balked, insisting that they would pass
questions to Dr. Khan and report back. Little information
has been conveyed. 

"Some questions simply were never answered," said one
senior intelligence official. "In other cases, you don't
know if you were getting Khan's answer, or the answer the
government wanted you to hear." 

Dr. Khan's silence has extended to the question of what
countries, other than Libya, received the bomb design.
Intelligence experts say they have no evidence any other
nation received the design, although they suspect Iran and
perhaps North Korea. But that search has been hampered by
lack of hard intelligence. 

"We strongly believe Iran did," said one American official.
"But we need the proof." 

Dr. Khan has also never discussed his ties with North
Korea, a critical issue because the United States has
alleged - but cannot prove - that North Korea has two
nuclear arms programs, one using Khan technology. 

"It is an unbelievable story, how this administration has
given Pakistan a pass on the single worst case of
proliferation in the past half century," said Jack
Pritchard, who worked for President Clinton and served as
the State Department's special envoy to North Korea until
he quit last year, partly in protest over Mr. Bush's Korea
policy. "We've given them a pass because of Musharraf's
agreement to fight terrorism, and now there is some
suggestion that the hunt for Osama is waning. And what have
we learned from Khan? Nothing." 

Some Missing Pieces 

In March, American investigators invited reporters to the
giant nuclear complex in Oak Ridge to display the equipment
disgorged by the Libyans. They surrounded the site with
guards bearing automatic weapons, and Energy Secretary
Spencer Abraham joined the officials in showing off some of
the 4,000 centrifuges. 

"We've had a huge success," he said. But it turned out that
the centrifuges were missing their rotors - the high-speed
internal device that makes them work. To this day, it is
not clear where those parts were coming from. While some
officials believe the Libyans were going to make their own,
others fear the equipment had been shipped from an unknown
location - and that the network, while headless, is still

John R. Bolton, the under secretary of state for arms
control and international security, echoed those
suspicions, saying the network still had a number of
undisclosed customers. "There's more out there than we can
discuss publicly," he said in April. 

Federal and private experts said the suspected list of
customers included Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Algeria, Kuwait, Myanmar and Abu

Given the urgency of the Libyan and Khan disclosures, many
private and governmental experts expected that the Bush
administration and the I.A.E.A. would work together. But
European diplomats said the administration never turned
over valuable information to back up its wider suspicions
about other countries. "It doesn't like to share," a senior
European diplomat involved in nuclear intelligence said of
the United States. "That makes life more difficult. So
we're on the learning curve." 

Federal officials said they were reluctant to give the
I.A.E.A. classified information because the agency is too
prone to leaks. The agency has 137 member states, and
American officials believe some of them may be using the
agency to hunt for nuclear secrets. One senior
administration official put it this way: "The cops and the
crooks all serve on the agency's board together." 

The result is that two separate, disjointed searches are on
for other nuclear rogue states - one by Washington, the
other by the I.A.E.A. And there is scant communication
between the feuding bureaucracies. 

That lack of communication with the United Nations agency
extends to the Nuclear Suppliers Group, a loose
organization of countries that produce nuclear equipment.
It can stop the export of restricted atomic technology to a
suspect customer, but it does not report its actions to the
I.A.E.A. Moreover, there is no communication between the
I.A.E.A. and the Bush administration's Proliferation
Security Initiative, which seeks to intercept illicit
nuclear trade at sea or in the air. 

"It's a legitimate question whether we need a very
different kind of super-agency that can deal with the new
world of A. Q. Khans," said a senior administration
official. "Because we sure don't have the system we need

Dr. ElBaradei, the head of the United Nations agency, says
he is plunging ahead, pursuing his own investigation even
as the Bush administration attempts to have him replaced
when his term expires late next year. In an interview in
Vienna, he defended his record, citing the information he
has wrung out of Iran, and his agency's discovery of
tendrils of Dr. Khan's network in more than 30 countries
around the globe. 

"We're getting an idea of how it works," he said of the
Khan network. "And we're still looking" for other suppliers
and customers. 

One method is to investigate the countries Dr. Khan visited
before his arrest. Nuclear experts disclosed that the
countries were Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Ivory Coast,
Kazakhstan, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger,
Nigeria, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sudan, Syria,
Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. Many of them are
Islamic, and several of the African countries are rich in
uranium ore. 

In one of its biggest operations, the agency is hunting for
clues in a half dozen of the network's buildings and
warehouses in Dubai, which for years were used for
assembling and repacking centrifuges. 

Both in Washington and in Vienna, the most delicate
investigations involve important American allies -
including Egypt and Saudi Arabia. So far, said European
intelligence officials familiar with the agency's inner
workings, no hard evidence of clandestine nuclear arms
programs has surfaced. 

Suspicious signs have emerged, however. For instance,
experts disclosed that SMB Computers, Mr. Tahir's front
company in Dubai for the Khan network, made telephone calls
to Saudi Arabia. But the company also engaged in legitimate
computer sales, giving it plausible cover. Experts also
disclosed that Saudi scientists traveled to Pakistan for
some of Dr. Khan's scientific conferences. But the meetings
were not secret, or illegal. 

There is also worry in both Washington and Vienna about
Egypt, which has two research reactors near Cairo and a
long history of internal debate about whether to pursue
nuclear arms. But European intelligence officials said
I.A.E.A. inspectors who recently went there found no signs
of clandestine nuclear arms and some evidence of shoddy
workmanship that bespeaks low atomic expectations. As for
Syria, the Bush administration had repeatedly charged that
it has secretly tried to acquire nuclear arms. But the
I.A.E.A. has so far found no signs of a relationship with
Dr. Khan or a clandestine nuclear weapons program. 

Worried about what is still unknown, the I.A.E.A. is
quietly setting up what it calls the Covert Nuclear Trade
Analysis Unit, agency officials disclosed. It has about a
half dozen specialists looking for evidence of deals by the
Khan network or its imitators. 

"I would not be surprised to discover that some countries
pocketed some centrifuges," Dr. ElBaradei said. "They may
have considered it a chance of a lifetime to get some
equipment and thought, 'Well, maybe it will be good for a
rainy day.' " 

William J. Broad reported from New York for this article,
and David E. Sanger from Washington. 

Copyright 2004 The New York Times Company