Oil in Iran

The following two maps, from Google Earth and the Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection, show the major oilfields in Iran. While the 1978 oil strike helped paralyze the Iranian economy under the Shah, the fields are concentrated mostly in the southwest portion of the country. The first map shows the location of the oilfields in relation to the entire country, while the second map is shown in smaller scale and with more detail.

Anglo-Iranian Oil Company/British Petroleum in Iran: Major Actors
Charles Greenway (center)

Source: http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=9014441&contentId=7027521
Chairman, Anglo-Persian Oil (1914-1927)
John Cadman

Source: www.esci.keele.ac.uk/geophysics/cadman/index.html
Chairman, Anglo-Iranian Oil (from 1927)
Sir Eric Drake (far right)

Source: www.isgp.eu/organisations/1001_Club.htm
Chairman, British Petroleum (1970s)
Sir Peter Walters
CEO, British Petroleum (1981-1990)
Funding Universe: BP
Lobster Magazine

Source: Iran Chamber Society: Pictures of 1979 Revolution of Iran
After Black Friday, oil and other workers in Iran went on strike. This strike paralyzed the Iranian economy and added further illegitimacy to the Shah's regime.