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Technology Quo Vadis

Katta G. Murty

Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2117, USA
Phone: 734-763-3513; fax: 734-764-3451; e-mail:
webpages:$\tilde{\ }$murty/

12 September 2000


We all believe that future technologies are going to eliminate pollution, change mankind for better, empower generations, bring the world together, and save the environment. In this article we take a reality check on these beliefs, and outline some simple steps that each individual can take to minimize the ravage of nature being committed by humanity and its technology.

Key words: Knowledge, science, technology, nature, trees, lean nation, grow more trees, grow fewer children, Murty's law on pollution, peace for humans and extinction for other species.


Katta G Murty