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Selected papers:

"On Attention to Surroundings" (PDF) (Cover story for ACM Interactions Dec.2012)

"On Ambient Information."  (In Inscribing a Square, proceedings from Ars Electronica (2011)).

"The Hand, across twenty years of Digital Craft" (submittal to ACM TEI 2014)

(early urban computing...)

"New Media Urbanism" (Environment and Planning B,2007)

"On Urban Markup" (Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 2006)

"On the Urbanism of Locative Media" (Places, 2006)

Invited chapters in recent books:

“(Unofficially) Enacting the Commons,” in Entr’Acte--New Public Space Formations. Jordan Geiger, Ed. Palgrave Macmillan (2015).

“Distraction Reconsidered: on the cultural stakes of the ambient,” in Complex Ubiquity-Effects: Individuating, Situating, Eventualizing. Ulrik Ekman, Jay David Bolter, Lily Diaz, Morten Søndergaard, and Maria Engberg, eds. Routledge (2015).

“On Sensibility and Ambient Information,” in Rethinking the American City. Miles Orvell and Klaus Bensch, eds. University of Pennsylvania Press (2013).

“Inscribing the Ambient Commons,” in Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Computing. Ulrik Ekman, ed. MIT Press (2012).

Previous books:

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page 1 | table of contents | 25 years, editions in 5 languages...