Conference papers:
Emerson's Romantic Style Princeton University Press (1984)
Delicate Subjects: Romanticism, Gender, and the Ethics of Understanding
Cornell University Press (1990; paper 1992)
"Cato's Tears and the Making of Anglo-American Emotion" in press,
University of Chicago Press (forthcoming, Fall 1999)
"Apocalyptons" (poetry) in manuscript
Articles and Reprints:
"Emerson's Sublime Analysis," in The American Renaissance: New Dimensions,
ed. Peter Carafiol, Bucknell University Press, 1983
"The Sociology of Holy Indifference: Sarah Edwards' Narrative," American
Literature 56:4 1984, 479-95
"The Laws of Ice: Emerson's Irony," ESQ: A Journal of the American
Renaissance 30:2 1984, 73-82
"Aggressive Allegory," Raritan 3:3 1984, 100-115. Reprinted in Romantik,
Ed. Volker Bohn, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1987. Also reprinted in the new Ralph
Waldo Emerson: New Century Views, Prentice Hall, 1993. Lawrence
Buell, ed.
"Detachment and Transition," Chapter 8 of Emerson's Romantic Style,
reprinted in Emerson: Modern Critical Views, Ed. Harold Bloom, Chelsea
House, 1985, 147-62
"The Edge of Urbanity: Emerson's English Traits" ESQ: A Journal
of the American Renaissance, 32:2 1986, 96-109
"Nice Arts and Potent Enginery: The Gendered Economy of Wordsworth's
Fancy," The Centennial Review 33:4 Fall 1989, special issue on
Wordsworth and the Modern World
"The Ghost Dance of History: Rousseau in the Text of Coleridge's The
Friend," Studies in Romanticism 28:3 Fall 1989, special issue on The
French Revolution in England
"The Daughter of Logic: Coleridge's Essays on Method" Prose Studies
12:3 December 1989, special issue on "Essayists and the Essay"
"Redoubled Feeling: The Politics of Sublime Sentiment in Williams
and Wollstonecraft," Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture 20 Fall 1990
"The Gender of Transparency: Masculinity and the Conduct of Life"
American Literary History 4:4 December 1992
"Feeling Strange," special issue on "Next-Wave Romanticism" ed. Karl
Kroeber ANQ April-July 1993 6:2-3
"Race and Sensibility in the Early Republic: Ann Eliza Bleecker and
Sarah Wentworth Morton," in special issue of American Literature, Fall
1993. Reprinted in Subjects and Citizens: Nation, Race, and Gender from
Oroonoko to Anita Hill (Durham: Duke University Press, 1995).
"The Politics of Fancy in the Age of Sensibility" in Re-visioning
Romanticism: British Women Writers 1776-1837, eds. Carol Shiner Wilson
and Joel Haefner (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994)
"There and Back: Transatlantic Novels and Anglo-American Careers"
in The Past as Prologue, ed. Carla Hay, Anniversary Volume, American
Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (1995) Response to John Day's
"Rethinking Graduate Education in English" ADE Bulletin (MLA)
"A Short History of Liberal Guilt" Critical Inquiry Winter 1996
"Cato's Tears" ELH [English Literary History] Fall 1996
A Crowd of Books to Sigh Over: Fullers Method from Delicate Subjects
in Margaret Fuller, Woman in the Nineteenth Century Norton Critical
Edition, ed. Larry J. Reynolds (New York: Norton, 1998)
"Women Poets, Sensibility, Romanticism" in Approaches to Teaching
British Women Poets of the Romantic Period MLA 1998
"Tears for Emerson" Cambridge Companion to Emerson ed. Joel Porte,
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999)
Selected Conference Papers
and Lectures 1991-Present:
"Men's Conduct in The Conduct of Life: 'Emerson's Behavior'" Arizona
Quarterly Symposium on American Literature, University of Arizona, January
"The Carthage Syndrome: Liberty, Race, and the Feminine in Thomson's
Sophinisba," ASECS Convention, Pittsburgh, April 1991
"Feeling Strange with Kristeva" (lecture) and "Between Regret and
Assay: the Romantic Postmodern/the Postmodern Romantic" (seminar), Center
for the Study of Criticism and Theory, University of Western Ontario,
September 1991
"The Passionate Empire: North Africa in the Cato Tradition" Conference
on "Alienation: The Production of Strangers and the Boundaries of Culture,"
November 9-11 1991, University of California, Berkeley
"'What All in Tears?': Masculine Anguish in Tyrannicide Plays 1681-
1747" ASECS Convention, Seattle, March 1992
"Someday Bridges Will Have Feelings, Too," Romantic Division Meeting
on "Romanticism and Postmodernism," MLA Convention, New York, December
"Barbauld and Imperial Fancy," Late 18th-Century Division Meeting
on "Women Poets of the Later 18th-Century," MLA Convention, New York,
December 1992
"'Floodgates of the Heart': Work and Tears in an 1850 Bestseller,"
Kellogg Community College, May 7, 1993
"The History of Liberal Guilt" at Center for Twentieth-Century Studies,
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, September 1994
"The Politics of Fancy in the Age of Sensibility," at Department of
English, University of Wisconsin, Madison, September 1994
"What's Romanticism Got To Do With It?" North American Society for
the Study of Romanticism, Duke University, November 1994
"Tears for Emerson" American Literature Association, Baltimore, May
"'Our Suffering Citizens': Cato Discourse, Algerine Captives, and
Comparative Slavery in the Early Republic" Conference of the International
Early American History and Culture Association, June 2-4, Ann Arbor
"Mobility, Masculinity, and the Impossibility of Comparison: Walking
in Place in Edgar Huntly" Keynote address, American Conference on Romanticism,
September 21-24 1995, Marquette University, Milwaukee WI
"The Libertarian Revival, and How It Feels" MLA Division Meeting (Division
on Psychology and Literature) on "The Politics of Emotion," MLA Convention,
Chicago, December 1995
"Emerson, Men, and the Novel" Center for the Study of New
England History, Conference on The Transcendentalist Movement and Its
Contexts Boston, May 1997.
"Print Culture, Space, and Emotion in Cowpers The Task"
Center for Literary and Cultural Studies, Harvard University, May 1997
"News and Blues" Plenary address, Conference of the North
American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Hamilton, Ontario, October
"The Deathbed of the Just" lecture and 3-day residency,
Miami Summer Seminar, Miami University, Oxford OH, June 1998
"Forthcoming: What Happened to Fancy? Part One: Transgeneric
Fancy and Magazine Illustration" NASSR Conference, 12-15 August
1999, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Forthcoming: "Cosmopolitan Sentiment and the Logic of Variety"
MLA Convention, December 1999, Chicago,
Creator and director of YoHA: Year of Humanities and Arts (University
of Michigan 1997-98)
Interview on "What's On Your Mind?" Wisconsin Public Radio, October
Part of team developing "Poetry Here and Then" a web-based instructional
technology project based on poetry holdings at the Bentley Historical
Library. The project has been supported by the Office of the Vice President
for Research and the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts at
the University of Michigan.
Faculty consultant, NEH-funded Making American Literatures project
involving faculty at Berkeley, University of Michigan, and Kennesaw
State, collaborating with public school teachers in each region.
Participating Investigator, Students on Site Program: A Collaboration
between the University of Michigan, Mack Elementary School, and Community
High School Integrating Neighborhood Exploration with Local History,
funded by the Michigan Humanities Council
"Connecticut Valley Flood" Southwest Review 71:4 Autumn 1986, 473
"The Worry Prayer" Michigan Quarterly Review 29:3 Summer 1990, 410-411
"Berate, Berattle" Tampa Review 3 1990, 13
"Neither/Nor" Hubbub 8:1 Summer 1990, 9
"Lucia di Lammermore More More" Passages North 11:2 Winter 1990, 24
"The Swiss Army Knife in the Window" River Styx 35 1991
"Perennial" Alchemy XXVII 1992
"Nightly" the minnesota review N.S. 38 spring/summer 1992
"Can't Dance" Hubbub (10th Anniversary Issue) X 1/2 (winner of the
1993 Adrienne Lee Award)
"Stephanie Gorski Weeps When Her Car Is Towed" and "Midlife Lullaby"
Witness Spring 1993
"Minimal Difference" in A Visit to the Gallery published in conjunction
with the University of Michigan Museum of Art, edited by Richard Tillinghast.
"Migratory Song" set for mezzo soprano and instrumentalists
by James Aikman "The Detroit Observatory 1999" forthcoming Michigan
Quarterly Review summer 1999
Poetry Readings: March 17, 1994, University of Michigan Visiting Writers
Series; April 3,1996, A Visit to the Gallery project; December 2, 1998,
Women Writers Festival, University of Michigan; March 3, 1998, Womens
History Month Reception, Ann Arbor District Library; April 1, 1999,
reading and interview on campus radio station
Public work and professional
service off-campus
Past: Vice-President, Ann Arbor Rowing Club, 1995. Consultant,
Kellogg Community College, Battle Creek, Michigan, "Strengthening the
Humanities Through Multicultural Texts: A Planning Project" (1993).
Editorial boards: The New Athenaeum/Das Neue Athenaeum; The Arizona
Quarterly; Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture (1992-95). Advisory
Board, North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (founded
1991). Board of Advisors, The Library of America (1992-94). Reviewer
for National Endowment for the Humanities.
Current: Reviewer for ACLS, Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation;
Modern Language Association Division Executive Committee, The English
Romantic Period (1995-98). Board Member, Ann Arbor Summer Festival.
Board Member, WUOM (public radio station). Board Member, Michigan Humanities
Council. Member, Joint Steering Committee of the Michigan Humanities
Council and the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs. Member
of Executive Committee of the University of Michigan Museum of Art.
Director, Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life national
higher-education cultural initiative launched at White House Conference,
11 March 1999, in partnership with the White House Millennium Council:
Professional Associations
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies; American Studies
Association; Modern Language Association; North American Society for
the Study of Romanticism; Organization of American Historians