August 26, 2021 


Law 760 Trademarks and Unfair Competition

Jessica Litman
University of Michigan Law School

Tentative Syllabus

We will be using the 7th edition of Jane C. Ginsburg, Jessica Litman, and Mary Kevlin, Trademark and Unfair Competition Law: Cases and Materials, forthcoming from Carolina Academic Press in 2022. The Casebook hasn't been published yet, and we will be using the page proofs until it is.

Once the book is published, I recommend that you purchase the looseleaf edition, which costs $75, rather than the hardbound edition or copy-protected ebook, which are much more expensive. Meanwhile, this syllabus is *very* tentative. (I have posted the first page proofs. When I get the second page proofs, I will post that file -- probably, the page numbers will change. If you notice typographical errors, please shoot me an email so that I can ask the publisher to repair them.)

If you are taking the class, please rely on the version of the syllabus that is posted on Canvas, since I will be paying more attention to whether that version is up to date.

Makeup class: There will be no class on Thursday September 16. I have scheduled a makeup class for Friday September 17 at 2:10 pm


Learing Outcomes:

Class Participation, Recording, and Attendance:

Weekly Writing Assignments:

Final Exam:

Office Hours

Send me an email message: jdlitman at