An Electronic Journal of
Geography and Mathematics.
(Major articles are refereed;
full electronic archives available)


Projective geometry is a non-Euclidean geometry that sits atop all other non-Euclidean geometries.  It is the most general geometry and possesses complete symmetry.  The infinite is no different from the ordinary.  Two points determine a line; two lines determine a point.  Indeed, "parallel" lines intersect at a point at infinity (at least to our Euclidean-trained minds).  There is complete duality. 

Because the academic curriculum is focused almost entirely on Euclidean geometry, the constructions of projective geometry, which are quite beautiful, remain hidden from most.  They appear "unnatural" and "non-intuitive."  The extra capability of the internet and related software permits animating difficult to visualize projective scenes and the instantaneous sharing of these across a wide range of locales.

This issue of Solstice shares several important projective constructions with readers:
Read about harmonic conjugacy in association with true perspective projections of the globe to a mapping plane.  Learn how all perspective mapping is captured by this projective geometric construction!

*Dedicated to the memory of Professor H.S.M. Coxeter, 1907-2003.

Congratulations to all Solstice contributors.


Solstice:  An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics
Volume XVIII, Number 2
Institute of Mathematical Geography (IMaGe).
All rights reserved worldwide, by IMaGe and by the authors.
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