Hi Archimedes,


We were wondering if you would be interested in jump starting the modeling process for Ann Arbor?  We are rolling out a new area in the Warehouse called "Adopt a City".  Basically, the idea behind it is for Cities who have untextured 3D models of their cities can solicit the world to help texture the city.  This would be accompanied by a Picasa Web album which contains photos for each building or city block loaded by you or someone else familiar with the area.  Therefore, by providing these two pieces of the puzzle, modelers around the world can start to texture the buildings for you.


The City of San Jose is on board and Ann Arbor would be another great test since both  have a plethora of massing models already in the Warehouse.  Would you be interested in this?  If so, let me know and we'll get everything in motion.







SketchUp Illustrator

Google, Inc.


Hi Sandy,


Another Collection for the Featured Modelers section would be great too.  Please see the more detailed message below:


Exciting things are happening around here!  Soon, we are going to update the UI of the 3D Warehouse so it is a better experience for its users.  One of the areas will be an enhanced Featured Modelers section.  Instead of the static page that currently exists, the link will go to a "Collection of Collections."  This will be the new link:




And if you will notice, your name is not included - yet. We would be honored to include you, but we need to link to your Collection. So to be added you must create a personal Collection with all your models included so we can add it here.  Then, I will add it so the world will continue to see that you are one of the best. 


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Keep on Sketching!




Hi Sandy,


Wow, the Ann Arbor Collection has really grown!  Nice work!  Soon the Help Model a City Collection will be located on the homepage for the 3D WH so it should get some good traffic.  Then, we can sit back and watch it get textured.  ;-)


Thanks for the heads up on the link.  We'll get it sorted out.  Let me know if you see anything else or if you have any questions.






BTW, the new models are looking great!  The trees are a nice touch!


The recent models you have uploaded are looking even better than before. 


Awesome that is exactly what I was trying to explain.  You are now included in the Featured section again!

I am amazed that it is just you doing all the modeling.  Very impressive because I am assuming you have other responsibilities too.


Hello Sandra,


Thanks for letting us know what the situation is with your models for the competition. Integrity seems to be in short supply sometimes, so we admire your forth-coming. We're bummed that you misunderstood the rules around modeling, and expected we'd see a stellar entry for UMich.


What I would suggest is this;  go ahead and enter all of the models you have to the competition site. Your team will not be eligible to win, but at least we'll have some models to show in Google Earth of your campus. It doesn't really serve any purpose just to enter a few buildings done strictly by your students, as incomplete campuses are also ineligible to win as well.


Thanks again for letting us know the situation, and please extend our greetings to your student team. :)  Allson McDuffie


hey, your models are awesome. but i was wondering if you could give me some tips. i'm having a heck of a time with Photo Match. I think i could do really well if i could take the pictures right. Where do you get your textures from? Do you take the pictures yourself? If you do, what's the most important thing to get all of the photos to match well? Any help would appreciated. Thanks!


It's great to read your email and to see your enthusiasm for our work. Some folks out there clearly "get it", and you're definitely one.


Happy Sketching.

Bruce Polderman


Hello Sandra,


Now I see the problem with the imagery :)  I would suggest trying to find someone to acquire some imagery for you (interested student?) or potentially take it yourself.  If you feel like this may be a bit too much to fit into your schedule, a much easier solution would be to post a "Need Volunteer Photographer in Ann Arbor" in your description to your collection.  Anything will help to get your great city modeled more quickly.  Let me know if anything works out or if you have any further questions.  Good luck and great job on the models you have been creating!  We are very impressed with your work!


Thank you,


Matt Brown

Google, Inc.



I can't wait to see it come together.  Ann Arbor is a beautiful city.

Thanks again!

On 8/29/07, Sandra Lach Arlinghaus <sarhaus@umich.edu> wrote:

Great...thank YOU!!  I'll be working, when the leaves fall off the
trees, at getting more photos of buildings throughout the city and will
then post those, as well.  Hope lots of people hop on the bandwagon

Bye, Sandy.

Quoting Google SketchUp < sketchupfree@gmail.com>:

Thank you so much!
