Google Earth...September 13, 2006, beta release...all of Ann Arbor...color aerials.

Sample aerial in color...downtown Ann Arbor

Level of detail visible in aerials...

Textured 3D Buildings inserted...files are saved one block at a time so that blocks can be loaded sequentially, as hardware demands...links to external internet sites can be placed on groups of buildings

Close up of a building...links to external internet sites can be placed on single buildings...

Buildings and flood...local view of flood...where else does it go?  A plane is pulled up through the terrain, in this case to the 816 foot contour.  The plane is colored as blue glass so the reader can see the buildings through the plane.  The plane could also be extruded to create volume for the flood, just as building footprints were extruded to create volume to the buildings.  For some applications, the planar representation of the flood may be sufficient; for others, it may not.

Broader view puts flood in context...