The Phaistos disk.

This clay disk was found on the island of Crete and attributed to Anatolian origin although the disk has not(?) been deciphered.

See my note below.

A chart of the pictograms.

To look at details of the outer ring of the first side.

Some quick notes about patterns repeated on side B.

On the question of a possible decipherment, I have received a book, published this year, from Jean Faucounau, a mathematician and linguist in Luxumbourg. His solution is a very early form of Ionic Greek. Le Dechiffrement du Disque de Phaistos by Jean Faucounau, Paris and Montreal, 1999, L'Harmattan. Following the link at the top of the page will give more information on this very possible solution to the decipherment.

See a larger version of side A.
Side B enlarged.
Code to convert images to digital symbols.
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