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Sadly, I'll probably need to take Ezekiel up on his offer of assistance in blood bonding Nina.  I can probably manage one more dose, but I need two, and I need them quickly.  I just wish I knew how much of George's attitude toward her I should take seriously.  He has some trouble with intelligent, independent women.  I should have started bonding her sooner.  I guess I was just hoping I wouldn't have to.

After talking with Tressa, I spent some time going over the mythology about Hathor.  The disconnects between the stories that have come down from the mortal population, my experience with Setites and what other Kindred have told me always boggles my mind.  Hathor's traditionally known as a very nurturing goddess with an occasional dark side.  Music, dance, drinking and loveÖ  There are bits and pieces out there.  She's traditionally supposed to have several daughters and is supposed to have the task of welcoming the dead to the underworld.  Then there's the story of her combining with Sekhmet to obliterate the enemies of Re and only being stopped from destroying the human species by a large amount of blood colored beer.  She's also sometimes associated with Isis and presented as the mother of Horus.  At other times, she's Horus' wife.

The question is always how much myth can help in cases like this.  We have no indication that this Hathor has childer, for example.  I wish I knew more about the Setite religion; Egyptian mythology is as close as I've been able to come, and it just doesn't map.  Even Set isn't traditionally a villain there, at least not originally.  He was a war god and fell out of favor after the Hyksos invasion because of his popularity with "barbarians."  From the modern point of view, he seems obviously evil, but the Egyptians focused on balance rather than on good vs. evil.  Set was in keeping with Ma'at; even the mess with Osiris was within tolerance.

Dinner was lovely.  It's the sort of food I looked at with longing when I was mortal, knowing that I'd have had it at least occasionally if my parents had lived.  I'm glad I went to the meeting as a woman.  I'm more comfortable in that sort of setting as who I might have been.  Besides, Tressa seems to prefer dealing with a woman.  Somehow, I don't think she's pushing to be Prince in spite of the Justiciar's suspicions.  I'd expect it to be too much trouble to run a place like this; she'd have no time for research.

Rafaela Giovanni was not, I suspect, worth the trouble I went to over her.  I do rather wish that I could assist with the security problem.  It would raise my status locally and give me a bit of a screen against the incoming fire.  It may be sour grapes, but I think I'd rather not hook up with her directly.  She tends to write off people without looking closely enough.  She might have been playing dumb, but that doesn't fit with her image, much better to show no knowledge than to show incorrect knowledge.

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